The July 30 issue of American Conservative contains a piece I did updating the latest twists and turns of the torture scandal. Here’s the lead paragraph: From the first days after the Abu Ghraib photos hit the airwaves, the torture scandal has epitomized the worst of the Bush presidency. A timid media, a cowardly opposition […]
Author Archive | Jim
War Lies & the 2004 Election
The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online today my article from the April 2007 Freedom Daily on “War Lies & the 2004 Election.” What sort of democracy allows rulers to perpetuate their power with brazen lies? WAR LIES & THE 2004 ELECTION Freedom Daily April 2007 by James Bovard Shortly after he was reelected, President Bush […]
My FFF Speech is Now Online at YouTube
This is the talk from the Future of Freedom Foundation conference last month. I’m not sure how the segments of the talk are broken out, but it is probably in segment 5 or 6 that I pull the rabbit out of the hat. The questions from the audience were superb – the Q & A was […]
New Bush Dictatorial Decree
Just when my concerns about Bush were starting to subside…. Bush issued an executive order on Tuesday permitting the feds to seize the property of anyone who threatens “the peace or stability of Iraq or the Government of Iraq” or who “undermin(e) efforts to promote economic reconstruction and political reform in Iraq.” Former Justice Department […]
Deliberative Democracy Dementia
The Foundation for Economic Education posted online the pieces from the May issue of the Freeman. Here’s my two cents on Deliberative Democracy…. (There are a few extra line breaks in this text; I have cursed it quite thoroughly but the blog software remains recalcitrant). “Deliberative Democracy” Dementia By James Bovard James Bovard ( is […]
Excellent Report on US Military’s Civilian Carnage in Iraq
Chris Hedges and Laila Al-Arian have an excellent report in the new issue of Nation from interviews with 50 U.S. veterans on the carnage inflicted in Iraq. Hedges, Al-Arian, and Nation deserve great credit for this report. If the New York Times or the Washington Post had half as much gumption on this issue, Americans […]
Political Ethics Conundrum
from’s summary of today’s headlines – following up on the story of Sen. Vitter’s phone number showing up on the DC’s madam’s list: Sen. David Vitter visited a Canal Street brothel several times “beginning in the mid-1990s, paying $300 per hour for services at the bordello.” Attempting to defend Vitter against the “solicitation of […]