Author Archive | Jim

Radio LIVE ONLINE Wed. (11/15) 10:30 am Charles Goyette Show

Got a call this afternoon from Charles Goyette, who heard about my terrorist behavior on the Washington subway and wanted to get me on the air before they take me away. I will be on his show 10:30 AM Eastern time Wednesday (11/14).  Charles is one of the best libertarian hosts in the country; his political courage […]

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My Latest Terrorist Tendencies

I was subwaying into Washington last night when I learned of a grave new terrorist peril. The train’s driver kept repeating, “For safety and security reasons, please do not take pictures or video recordings of Metro trains and buses.”  He recited this core message with often  mystifying enunciation after each subway station. To jazz up […]

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Lying Politicians: A Conundrum for the Washington Post

What does the Washington press corps do when a president brazenly lies? Nothing, usually. But every now and then, the lie cannot be ignored – especially if a president confesses during a national press conference.  The Washington Post, in its initial article on the day after the press conference, noted that Bush “appeared to acknowledge having misled […]

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Lies & Leviathan: How Government Cons People Into Submission

The fine folks at the Future of Freedom Foundation posted a piece of mine on how government cons people into submission. The timing is a bit unfortunate, since the 2006 election campaign disproved my assertion that politics is perennially dishonest.   Lies and Leviathan by James Bovard  Freedom Daily August 2006 Big government requires big lies — and […]

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Another Shot at Ruby Ridge

Kimberly Atkins, a reporter for the Boston Herald, called me yesterday regarding Deval Patrick, the Democratic candidate for governor in Massachusetts.  Patrick played a notorious role in the Ruby Ridge scandal, overruling a Justice Department panel regarding FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi.   Horiuchi  was the guy who gunned down Vicki Weaver as she held her baby […]

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Why I Was Disbarred

I exchanged some email earlier today with Scott Horton over at Stress blog. Here’s his writeup: What the Hell is a “Person of Interest”? I first heard the phrase used by John Ashcroft in his wild unfounded accusations against Steven Hatfill in the anthrax case and here and there a couple of times since. Now […]

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Anti-Torture Activism with a Smile

Neil Alexander, a New Hampshire activist is doing a great job of haunting the incumbents for voting for torture.   His signs are here. This haunting and taunting should continue long after Nov.7. And another hitch: malcontents could take the signs down. Maybe we need something more indelible. If these congressmen are going to brag about voting […]

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