Author Archive | Jim

A Cheery Welcome to Britain

I flew to London last week. I arrived at Heathrow on a Tuesday afternoon, coming in from Hamburg, Germany. The line for clearing immigration was not very long. For the non-European Union arrivals, there were two British female clerks behind their “desks.” They were blond yet androgynous. Only one of them was working – the other […]

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Fan Letters of the Week (May 24)

I received this love letter after the appearance last Wednesday on Al Jazeera – I saw ur interview on al jazeera network and i watched it with a great displeasure of the issues that were discussed , and by the way i want to tell u that i am  jordanian and i ‘ve been living […]

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Arms-Length Whoring?

OK, maybe I was wrong in the prior blog about Bush’s new CIA nominee, Michael Hayden, not being linked to the poker-and-poking scandal at the Watergate. TalkingPointsMemo muckraker project reports that “While director of the National Security Agency, Gen. Michael V. Hayden contracted the services of a top executive at the company at the center […]

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Perjury as a Job Qualification for Bush Administration

Michael Hayden, the former chief of the National Security Agency, was nominated today by President Bush to be the new chief of the CIA. Thus far, there have been no reports linking Hayden to hookers & poker games at the Watergate. While serving as NSA chief, Hayden deceived Congress in October 17, 2002 testimony regarding […]

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Kansas State Radio Interview Now Online

Richard Baker, a Kansas State University professor and news director of the K-State Radio Network, recently interviewed me regarding my book, Terrorism & Tyranny.   It is a zesty back-and-forth  which has already generated at least one heated protest out in the heartland. (For the record, I never said Karl Rove caused Hurricane Katrina). The MP3 of the […]

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Kwiatkowski Interview Now Online

The two hour interview last night on Karen Kwiatkowski’s “American Forum” radio show is now online here.   Karen brings a lot of courage and passion to the subject of freedom. The caller-in in the first part of the second hour who strove mightily to hide his Jersey accent is a hoot.

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Did the Bovard Blog make the Top 5,000???

MSNBC reports today that the Pentagon is checking out 5000 websites a day. Admittedly, the Arab alphabet has not yet appeared on this site. On the other hand, some of the neoconservatives (who dominated the Pentagon in the first Bush administration) consider France an enemy of the United States, posing potentially an even greater threat to […]

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