Author Archive | Jim

The Patriot Act & Attention Deficit Democracy

The Future of Freedom Foundation is distributing an op-ed I wrote on the Patriot Act renewal.  The article is also now online at the Southwest News Herald. Some other newspapers may pick up the piece in the coming days. I stretched so far to reach an upbeat ending that I may have strained my right […]

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Thanks to Laissez Faire Books!

Laissez Faire Books designated Attention Deficit Democracy as the winner of the March 2006 Lysander Spooner Award for Advancing the Literature of Liberty. I greatly appreciate the award and all the fine work that LFB has done to advance liberty for so many years. Laissez Faire has consistently had the finest collection of books on liberty, year after […]

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“Misunderstandings” Bush appointee style

Here’s an update on the bust of the Bush abstinence education mastermind.   The lawyer for Bush’s former top domestic policy advisor, Claude Allen, told a Maryland court that this case was simply “misunderstandings.” “Misunderstandings?”  Tuesday’s Washington Post notes: “Police said they have been able to document 25 instances in which Allen tried to obtain refunds for items he […]

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American Conservative prints my hit on Lawless Dick Cheney

The new issue of American Conservative (3/27/06) contains my hit on Cheney’s latest lawlessness.  Here is the first paragraph: “The biggest surprise from the shooting of Harry Worthington was Dick Cheney’s announcement that he is entitled to declassify national security secrets. Such declassifications raise the question of whether the president and vice president possess unlimited discretion […]

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A Liberal Reviews Bush Betrayal

The Aging Hipster recently read Bush Betrayal. I’m happy he made it through the book and took the time to put his thoughts on his blog.   He gave me permission to repost it – so here it is.   The Aging Hipster is a self-described “Georgia Mountain Man” and Pittsburgh Steelers fan.  Both those factors mean that, unlike some white-gloved […]

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Needed: Abstinence Education for Politicians

So I notice on the front page of my local paper this morning that Claude Allen, formerly Bush’s top domestic policy advisor, got busted for defrauding a Target store with thousands of dollars of phony returns.  Allen may have been best known for his advocacy of increased federal funding for abstinence education for school children – […]

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The Regime Crimes Office

As part of my penance for Lent, I was reading a recent budget briefing for the State Department, tottering on the edge of my chair with each gust of hot air. I came across an intriguing comment by Ambassador James Jeffrey, “the Senior Advisor to the Secretary and Coordinator for Iraq.” He chirped about the Bush […]

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