Author Archive | Jim

Thanks to Will Grigg & the New American

Will Grigg, the editor-in-chief of the New American, wrote a very kind review of Attention Deficit Democracy. I appreciate his bovine humor, since it goes back to my roots.   “Spectacular… Attention Deficit Democracy displays Bovard’s emergence as a formidable prose stylist. Relentlessly incisive and epigrammatic, Bovard at his best reminds me of Nock and […]

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The FISA Farce

The Future of Freedom Foundation posted an article of mine on the FISA Farce. Here are the first few paragraphs of the piece: President Bush proudly announced last month that he is violating federal law. He declared that in 2002 he ordered the National Security Agency to begin conducting warrantless wiretaps and email intercepts on […]

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On Jim Bohannon show on Tuesday night

I will be on the Jim Bohannon show on Westwood One radio on Tuesday night from 10 till 11 pm Eastern time.  I believe Bohannon’s show is on more than 300 stations around the country.   The call-in phone number is  1-866-505-4626. Talkers magazine reports that Bohannon is the fifth most listened-to talk radio program in […]

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Think Tanks as Military Bases

George W. Bush exploits captive audiences as well as any president. During the last four years, he has ritually gone to military bases to uncork his biggest inanities regarding foreign policy. There are some howlers that can only be tossed out in front of an audience forbidden to laugh. No one in a military audience […]

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Orange Suits Soon All the Rage on Capitol Hill

The Wall Street Journal reported today that superlobbyist Jack Abramoff, who copped a guilty plea yesterday, “says he has information that could implicate 60 lawmakers.” This is the best news that the moribund prison building industry has had in years. If 60 lawmakers go down in the Abramoff scandal, this could mean that the U.S. […]

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Thanks to Claire Wolfe

Claire Wolfe had some very kind words for Attention Deficit Democracy on her blog this morning. I appreciate her also posting my favorite epigrams from the book. Claire does some of the best hell-raising on the web.  The last I heard, her FBI file was almost as large as Charlie Chaplin’s. 

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Bush on Spying: Fool or Liar?

Bush took a swing at critics of his warrantless wiretaps yesterday. Speaking after visiting wounded soldiers in San Antonio, he declared, “”The NSA program is one that listens to a few numbers called from the outside of the United States of known al-Qaida or affiliated people.” Except that the program also listens to calls from […]

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