Author Archive | Jim

A Great Quote to Ponder

I came across a quote from the great historian Raul Hilberg today, illustrating how the Rule of Law can degenerate into tyranny: As the Nazi regime developed over the years, the whole structure of decision-making was changed. At first there were laws. Then there were decrees implementing laws. Then a law was made saying, “There […]

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National Security Agency spying piece now online + Update

My review on James Risen’s A State of War is now online at American Conservative. The spying scandal continues to show Washington at its best. Yesterday, Republicans on the Senate Intelligence Committee agreed to support a legislative reform to the FISA law to legalize Bush’s actions. One key change:   Feds would be allowed to wiretap […]

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Not Bush’s Fault

I am sometimes criticized for being excessively harsh on George W. Bush. I want to take this opportunity to make it clear that I don’t blame the president for everything. This Arizona abuse apparently has nothing to do with the White House or the war on terrorism.  Except unless that local fire department received a […]

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FFF uncorks my piece on the Federal Farming Takeover

The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online my Freedom Daily article on FDR’s takeover of American agriculture. The piece is re-posted today at Here’s an outtake: The history of agricultural policy is a history of endless political finagling, of bureaucracies that always lagged behind the pace of events, of policymakers’ appalling misperceptions that repeatedly […]

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Albanian Backlash against the book begins

The Albanian Anti-Defamation League has launched its first attack on Attention Deficit Democracy.  A  woman who calls herself Kristina Albania – and who confesses that her nickname is “blerta” – angrily attacked the book yesterday in a “customer” (fat chance) review on Amazon.  From the Amazon page for Attention Deficit Democracy –   Title of […]

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Another Brazilian Hit and a Portuguese language review

My piece on the absurd definitions of the “suspected terrorists,” published last month in the Los Angeles Times, was translated and published by Jornal O Estado de Sno Paulo, one of Brazil’s largest newspapers. It was posted online by a Brazilian business lobby here.   The generous review essay published by Counterpunch was translated into Portuguese […]

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