Quality Paperback Book Club to offer ATTENTION DEFICIT DEMOCRACY

I have been informed by Palgrave that the Quality Paperback Book Club is planning to do a softcover edition of Attention Deficit Democracy.

I wonder if A.D.D. will be among the books offered in promos (3 books for $3) along with sensual massage guides and Dilbert cartoon collections.  I suspect there is a potential jest near here.


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3 Responses to Quality Paperback Book Club to offer ATTENTION DEFICIT DEMOCRACY

  1. Ray August 9, 2006 at 1:11 am #

    I see it’s 6 books for $1.00 each now + a FREE Overnight bag.
    I searched “Bovard” and A.D.D. came up along with “MADAME BOVARY’S OVARIES”???
    I’m not kidding.

  2. Jim August 9, 2006 at 9:55 am #

    6 books for $6? Damn, I am buying books at the wrong place.

    Does the overnight bag look snappy? How many beers can I get in there along with the book? Does it have a side pocket for extra ammo clips?

    Thanks for checking – I’m glad to hear that they are now offering it.

  3. Ray August 11, 2006 at 12:27 am #

    Kinda hard to tell from the picture how many beers it will hold, but it does have 2 nifty side pockets for ammo clips.