Author Archive | Jim

Orange County Register: “Defining Freedom Down”

The Orange County Register ran my op-ed, “Defining Freedom Down.”  The page does not have a link, so I am posting the piece here. The Future of Freedom Foundation today shotgunned out an op-ed of mine that is very similar to this article.   Orange County Register, March 17, 2006 “Defining Freedom Down” by James Bovard […]

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Washington Times heats up Attention Deficit Democracy

The Washington Times today pronounced me guilty of the “character assassination” of George W. Bush. A “bombthrower”?  Me? “Smearing”?   Moi? The Washington Times’s editorial page editor, Tony Blankley, is renown for advocating reviving and vigorously enforcing laws against sedition….

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Bush Betrayal now available in Arabic in Beirut

I got a call today from a friend who told me that the Arabic version of Bush Betrayal is now in the stores in Beirut.  The translation deal was signed by St. Martin’s Press last May with the Arabic Scientific Publishers in Lebanon.   I have not seen the translated book – or even the cover […]

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Fan Mail of the Week

Aaron Zelman at Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership kindly forwarded me an email he received in response to the interview he did with me back in January on Attention Deficit Democracy.  Following is the text of the email – the italicized part is from the email Aaron sent out about the interview: Interview with […]

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My Cheney Tribute is now online

The American Conservative has posted my piece on Cheney’s revelation that he is exempt from federal law regarding national security secrets. Here are a few paragraphs from the piece: The “my wish is the law’s command

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I’m speaking Wednesday (3/22) in Washington

The Liberty Coalition has kindly invited me to talk about Attention Deficit Democracy on Wednesday evening (3/22).  They will be meeting at the at Skewers Restaurant, near Dupont Circle.  If you are going to attend, please RSVP to Michael Ostrolenk, the national director of the Liberty Coalition.  Here are the details -Liberty Coalition presents: A Transpartisan […]

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The Patriot Act & Attention Deficit Democracy

The Future of Freedom Foundation is distributing an op-ed I wrote on the Patriot Act renewal.  The article is also now online at the Southwest News Herald. Some other newspapers may pick up the piece in the coming days. I stretched so far to reach an upbeat ending that I may have strained my right […]

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