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Smacking Kamala and the Media on Salt Lake City Radio

Radio host Rod Arquette and I had fun tonight smacking around the media and Kamala Harris’ record on 105.9 KNRS in Salt Lake City.  Here’s a few outtakes: “This presidential race is being portrayed as a choice of Hitler or Joan of Arc. But it’s not that simple.” “Harris talks about a having a future […]

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Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 22-58-50 Jim Bovard - The Shaun Thompson Show

Thrashing Politicians and Fumbling Feds on the Shaun Thompson Show

Shaun Thompson, the host of the Liberty Hour on  Chicago’s The Answer AM 560, and I hounding and pounded a bunch of politicians and federal agencies this evening.   I mentioned the media’s rush to Kamalaflauge – “it’s like Harris’s entire record is being expunged and anyone who quotes what she said in 2019 is […]

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Biding Biden Farewell on the Brian Wilson Podcast

Brian Wilson and I tossed a parting bouquet to Biden after his 11 minute exit speech.  You can hear the podcast on Brian’s Substack page by clicking here I commented that Biden’s exit speech was a no-win situation for Democrats. If Biden looked coherent, it made no sense for him to cancel his reelection campaign. […]

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Biden And The Mirage Of American Democracy

Counterpunch, July 26, 2024 Biden And The Mirage Of American Democracy by James Bovard Americans should tolerate no president invoking “the will of the people” to sanctify his crimes. Since late 2020, President Joe Biden has invoked “the will of the people” dozens of times to sanctify his power, including arbitrary decrees that were illegal […]

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