Jeff Stein has a great piece on how the most prominent CIA apologist for waterboarding has finally ‘fessed up that he didn’t know what he was talking about. Much of the news media treated this CIA “expert” like a hero back in 2007. I assume they will ignore his recantation.
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Only Six People on Earth do Not Hate Verizon
New York Times’ technology columnist David Pogue had a great post last month entitled: “Verizon’s New Motto: Why Not Be Evil?” Pogue detailed an egregious Verizon bushwhacking of its customers – and then suggested the policy change was because “Verizon heard that there were six people left on Earth who didn’t have a reason to […]
Now Online: interview on FBI Crime Wave
Scott Horton and I have fun with the latest revelations on FBI crimes. We bring in the subject of torture to lighten up the show. Click on the highlighted to listen to it 10_01_22_bovard Or you can listen to it at the website here.
Fox News FreedomWatch Interview Now Online
Podcast of Today’s Brian Wilson interview on FBI Crime Wave
WSPD’s Brian Wilson and I had a rollicking chat about the latest FBI crime wave and the latest torture coverup scandal today. You can download a podcast “>here. Brian is one of the top talk show hosts in the nation, and he will be coming to the Conservative Political Action Conference in DC next […]
On Fox News FreedomWatch Today – on FBI Crime Wave
Judge Napolitano and I talked about the latest FBI crime wave on Fox News’ Freedom Watch today. I will post a link when the show is posted online. (I think it will be broadcast by Fox Radio this evening).
Lying on the Benefits of Research
Advocates of government spending on research often claim exorbitant benefits. This Dilbert cartoon nicely punctures their hokum. And the closing line – about converting liars into thieves – that summarizes most of the government contractors in the Washington area.