The Washington Post today debunks the supposed stellar achievements of the Chicago schools system -the former domain of Obama’s Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan. Earlier in this century, the supposed triumphs of the Houston school system – the main bragging point of Bush’s Education Secretary Rod Paige – also collapsed like a house of cards. […]
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On Michael Smerconish Program Today – Broadcast Time Varies
Brian Wilson is guest hosting for Mike Smerconish on 40 stations around the country. Brian and I are chatting now until 2 pm Eastern time, paying tribute to America’s Dysfunctional Democracy. The stations that carry the Smerconish show are listed here. The most popular station is WOR in New York City, which rebroadcasts the Smerconish […]
CANCELLED On with Brian Wilson Tuesday at 1 pm on SMERCONISH NETWORK
SCHEDULING GLITCH – CANCELLED XXXX Brian Wilson will be guest hosting for Mike Smerconish tomorrow on 40 stations around the country. Brian and I will chat from 1 pm to 2 pm Eastern time, paying tribute to America’s Dysfunctional Democracy. The last time I talked to Brian, he disapproved of Obama. I’ll willing to bet […]
Dinkel Acker Abandons American Beer Drinkers?
I contacted Dinkel Acker’s German headquarters regarding the news that the beer would no longer be sold in the United States. I received the following courteous email today from Dinkel Acker’s Export Director, Christian Liess: It is indeed the case that our business partner in the USA discontinued the import of Dinkelacker into the USA […]
Battle of the Bulge Anniversary & Debacle: Unnecessary Carnage
This is the 65th anniversary of the start of the Battle of the Bulge. While most Americans who are aware of the battle learned of it through Hollywood movies that portrayed valiant U.S. resistance to the German Wehrmacht, the truth is far more embarrassing to the U.S. Supreme Commander. The battle was completely unnecessary, and […]
Carbon Tromping with the Sierra Club
I did a couple hikes early last month with the Sierra Club. Good folks, though there were theological tensions with some of ’em. Some lady was talking gravely about reducing her carbon footprint. She got peeved when I suggested wearing tennis shoes instead of boots. Sierra Club types are 100% pro-organic, but they seemed to […]
The Great Beer Massacre of 2009!
My all-time favorite beer is no longer being imported! I have been a huge fan of Dinkel Acker, a wonderful German pilsner, for more than a decade. I would buy cases at a time, making it worthwhile to scamper across the Potomac to a state with civilized beer buying laws. (Montgomery County, Maryland, has a […]