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The Jim Beam Corrected Version of Boy Scout Creek Crossing Photo

{click on photo for full-size version} Tom Blanton emailed me: “I’ve discovered a new tool in Photoshop that reveals things in pictures that couldn’t be seen before. Check out this new version of your scout picture.” Never expected to see this photo hit by a “truth squad.” This helps explain why I failed the final […]

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Boy Scouts & a Pro-Freedom Reaction

I appreciate the comments on the creek-crossing photo. The Boy Scouts of America begin their 100th anniversary celebration on December 10, and I’m curious about the political impact of the Scouting experience. I am wondering how many guys who were in the Scouts became more pro-freedom in response to the heavy-handed invocations of authority and […]

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My Pre-Anarchist Motif

Update #2: Tom Blanton, of the Project for the New American Revolution, also kindly did an upgrade of the photo. Here is Tom’s version: UPDATE: “Black Bloke” and Wes Baker kindly sent improved versions of the photo, now inserted at the top of this post. I’m not sure if Wes’s version will open in some […]

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The Best Thumbnail Definition of Twittering

This is the best one-strip definition of Twittering I have seen. Maybe Dogbert will take the plunge for Vitamin E tomorrow. On the other hand, doing a blog mocking the superficiality of Twittering is a bit like the pot calling the kettle Lithuanian.

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Doonesbury: Torture Remains Prime-Time Entertainment

Three cheers for Doonesbury!   Unfortunately, prominent half-wits take their own values from this TV show. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia told an assembly of judges in the summer of 2007: ““Jack Bauer saved Los Angeles . . . . He saved hundreds of thousands of lives… Are you going to convict Jack Bauer?” I […]

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