This cartoon from the current New Yorker is a hoot. But I suspect that different people are laughing at it for mirror-image reasons…
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New Portuguese Translations Page at
Murilo Otávio Rodrigues Paes Leme has kindly translated a bushel of my articles and epigrams into Portuguese. Some of the lines read better in translation than in the original. The Portuguese translation page at my main website is here. I greatly appreciate Murilo making my work accessible to legions of folks in Brazil, Portugal, Mozambique…. […]
Most Venal-Looking Congressman?
I have seen plenty of smarmy looking congressmen over the decades, but this photo of Rep. Bob Filner (D-Cal) probably takes the cake. Who would vote for someone who looks like he might mug you and steal your wallet before your leave the polling booth??? Or is there somebody I missed or forgot? What other […]
The Media as Enablers of Government Lies
Posted online today… The Media as Enablers of Government Lies Freedom Daily August 2009 by James Bovard Why do politicians so easily get away with telling lies? In large part, because the news media are more interested in bonding with politicians than in exposing them. Americans are encouraged to believe that the media will serve […]
Jesse James Calls for Ban on Robbing Trains
CNN headline: Karzai calls for unity, end to corruption in Afghanistan It is astounding to see the western media treat Karzai like a legitimate winner and someone who has any credibility to fight corruption. This is akin to how the Soviet media treated the election “victories” of Stalin’s puppets in East Europe. At least we […]
Shocking! 400 Members of Congress Not Suspected of Wrongdoing
An online “security breach” yesterday disclosed a confidential House Ethics Committee document which revealed that dozens of members of Congress are under investigation for ethical lapses – i.e., being crooks, weasels, etc. That means that more than 400 members are not being actively investigated by their peers for wrongdoing or all-round conniving. This is the […]
The Ellsberg “Most Dangerous Man” Film in DC on Thursday (10/29)
The new film, THE MOST DANGEROUS MAN IN AMERICA: DANIEL ELLSBERG AND THE PENTAGON PAPERS, will be shown in Washington at the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center this Thursday (10/29) at 7 pm. Details here. Ellsberg will take part in panel discussion after the film is shown. The film, which is getting great reviews, tells how […]