Scott Horton and I will chat on Radio today at 2:30 on why former Attorney General John Ashcroft deserves to face criminal charges for his role in the post 9/11 roundup of innocent terrorist suspects. You can listen live here.
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My Fox News’s Freedom Watch interview on the Post 9/11 Roundup
Judge Andrew Napolitano of Fox News’s Freedom Watch interviewed me on my article on the post 9/11 roundup of innocent terrorist suspects. The video – under the “Heavy Hand of Government” segment – is available here.
My Paranoia Vindicated – Gahan Wilson
“When did you first become aware of this imagined ‘plot to get you?’” Or, as they said after Ruby Ridge, “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean that they are not out to get you.” Gahan Wilson (no relation to Ruby Ridge) has a new 3 volume collection of his Playboy cartoons hot off the […]
Brian Wilson Deposes Mayor of Toledo
Talk show host Brian Wilson toppled Toledo’s Mayor-for-Life Carly Finkbeiner today. Another career politician bites the dust – thanks to the hard work and dogged activism of one of the nation’s most talented talk show hosts. Wilson has hammered Finkbeiner for the last three years as a talk show host at WSPD and was a […]
Laid off? Great New Book Provides Guidance & No BS
Nicholas Carroll, the author of the bestselling Dancing with Lawyers, has a new hit rolling off the press – and the Internet. If you’re looking for a dry shoulder or a box of tissues, this is the wrong book for you. Instead, Nicholas offers straight-from-the-hip advice – based on his long experience in the up-and-down […]
Mp3 of Jamaican Radio Interview on Torture Etc.
evening-edition-jim-bovard-int Click on the above to hear the MP3 of my recent interview on torture on the Jamaican radio station. (We had a phone problem, so I come on about 3 minutes into the program). I’m the guy on the show without an accent. I appreciate all the effort that Tara of Newstalk FM93 made […]
On Jamaican Radio tonight (8/25) on Torture Prosecutions
I will be on the the Evening Edition, a radio program in Kingston, Jamaica, this evening (Tuesday, 8/25) from 7:45 to 8:00 Eastern time. We will discussthe torture investigations and the high criminals who got away. You can listen live here. [Newstalk 93 FM Jamaica] +*** UPDATE: The hosts were very good but the phone […]