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Honest Torture Investigations?

Ice hockey in hell? And an honest investigation into all the illegal surveillance schemes uncorked since 2001? Topless female ice hockey in hell. But I would be very happy to be proven wrong on this. The Washington Post noted that the Obama administrationc could appoint a prosecutor who “may look into whether CIA interrogators operated […]

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Boundless Ignorance vs. Self-Government

The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online today the following piece from the March issue of Freedom Daily…. Boundless Ignorance versus Self-Government by James Bovard Freedom Daily March 2009 Modern democracy is based on faith that the people can control what they do not understand. As government has grown by leaps and bounds, “government by […]

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REAL ID and the Real Danger of Government

The Campaign for Liberty posted online an article I wrote today on the lessons of REAL ID. Funny to think how, only a few years ago, opponents of REAL ID were tagged as paranoid…. Real ID: A Real Warning on the Danger of Government By James Bovard The REAL ID Act may be on the […]

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Obama’s Ludicrous Declaration on Torture Day

Alas, my idealistic hopes have once again been crushed like a bug. President Obama issued his statement on the United Nations International Day in Support of Torture Victims. I wonder if Obama’s ghostwriter was wearing hip boots when this statement was put together. The opening of his statement could have been recycled from the George […]

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“Obama and the Torturers” – Portuguese version

Murilo Leme kindly translated my latest torture piece into Portuguese. Comemorem o Dia da Tortura Punindo os Torturadores por James Bovard, 23 de junho de 2009 Desde 1997, todo dia 26 de junho tem sido formalmente reconhecido como o Dia Internacional de Apoio a Vítimas da Tortura – International Day of Support for Victims of […]

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