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LISTEN LIVE – on the Brian Wilson Show Today (4/23)

I will be on the Brian Wilson radio show today from @ 5:05 pm to 5:30. Brian is one of the funniest and most thoughtful talk show hosts in the biz. We will be talking about the DHS terrorist profile memo, the torture memos, and other light-hearted topics. Listen Live here. (He is on Toledo’s […]

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Pity for a Constitution Stomper?

Congresswoman Jane Harman is indignant. A National Security Agency wiretap reportedly picked up her conversation seeking favors from a suspected Israeli agent in return for Harman lobbying the Justice Department to drop the lawsuit against AIPAC’s former top officials. Harman denies the charge and swears that her good name has been defiled. (Har!). Harman sent […]

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Taking Hostages for Torture

Republican senators are threatening to block confirmation of key Obama nominees if the Obama administration makes public the Bush administration Justice Department memos that explicitly authorized torture and other barbaric relics. Human rights/constitutional lawyer Scott Horton notes, “It now appears that Republicans are seeking an Obama commitment to safeguard the Bush administration’s darkest secrets in […]

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