The vast majority of rascals are getting reelected tonight. That’s the bad news. But since I am a “glass one-eighth full” kind of guy, let’s focus on some of the bad guys going down in flames. Here are two of my favs from the evening so far. Who else should we be celebrating here? Chris […]
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Podcast now online of Antiwar/Scott Horton Radio Interview
The podcast of Wednesday’s radio interview with Scott Horton is now online here. We had a rattlin’ good discussion, covering a heap of topics and clobbering politicians left and right. Thus far, I have not been contacted by the lawyers for the West Virginia Anti-Defamation League.
Did the Marines Die in Beirut for Absolute Power?
This is the 25th anniversary of the bombing of the barracks in Beirut that killed 241 Marines. President Reagan sent in U.S. troops to try to help stabilize Lebanon after the Israeli invasion (and massacres by Israeli proxies in Palestinian refugee camps) the prior year. This was Reagan’s biggest antiterrorism debacle. He failed the Marines […]
I’m on Radio/KAOS Radio Today (Wed.) at 1:15 pm Eastern Time
Scott Horton and I will be bantering about Bush and other disasters today (Wed., 10/22) at 1:15 pm Eastern. I think you can listen live either here (Listen Live link is on left hand side) or here. (I’m not sure on the latter link.) The program should be available as a podcast within the next […]
Libertarians Still Lusting for Palin?
Is anyone closely tracking Sarah Palin’s continued popularity with libertarians? Charles Murray, one of the Beltway’s favorite libertarians (ensconced at the manically pro-war American Enterprise Institute), told the New York Times that he is “truly and deeply in love” with Palin. Joe Bast, the head of the Heartland Institute, said that Palin “was a great […]
YouTube version of my “Bush’s War on Civil Liberties” speech now online
The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online today the YouTube version of my “Bush’s War on Civil Liberties” spiel from their June conference. You can see all the video clips here. The speech did not include any Hillary jokes.
McCain Jumps the Gun with “My Fellow Prisoners”
In a speech today, John McCain told the audience: “Across this country, this is the agenda I have set before my fellow prisoners.” Here is a 13 second YouTube clip from the speech. I thought McCain had been in politics long enough to know not to notify people that he was nullifying all their rights […]