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Freedom is Still the Preeminent Issue

The Foundation for Economic Education posted online my piece from the current issue of their Freeman magazine responding to David Brooks’s call to devalue freedom in American poiltics. Freedom Is Not the Issue? It Just Ain’t So! The Freeman September 2008 By James Bovard The Friends of Leviathan are once again encouraging people to forget […]

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Bush’s Forgotten Iraqi Sovereignty Sham

The Future of Freedom Foundation just posted online my article from the July issue of Freedom Daily on Bush’s sovereignty shenanigans on Iraq. It continues to amaze me how easily Bush and team got away with the Empire-State-Building-sized farces regarding Iraq. Unfortunately, “Bush re-subjugated Americans by claiming to have liberated Iraqis.” ***** The Forgotten Iraqi-Sovereignty […]

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Intro chapter from Feeling Your Pain (2000)

Here is the introduction chapter of Feeling Your Pain: The Explosion and Abuse of Government Power in the Clinton-Gore Years (St. Martin’s/Palgrave, 2000). This was my parting bouquet to the Clinton White House. The book went to three printings within the first month of its release but slowed down afterwards. (It did not contain any […]

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Here’s the introduction from Attention Deficit Democracy (2006). This book may have struck more of a nerve with reviewers et al. if it had come out a year later. It was considered too cynical by many folks back in ’06. Rather ironic, given subsequent American history…. For instance, Bush’s television address last night epitomized how […]

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Bush Teams Seeks Financial Dictatorial Powers

In order to save the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the Bush administration seeks boundless power that cannot be reviewed by federal courts. Didn’t we try this already at Gitmo, and it didn’t work out so well? from Bloomberg: Treasury Seeks Asset-Buying Power Unchecked by Courts (Update2) By Alison Fitzgerald and John Brinsley Sept. 21 (Bloomberg) […]

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Introduction to Bush Betrayal (2004)

Continuing with the parade of Introductions, here’s the lead chapter from Bush Betrayal (2004). This book generated a lot of vituperative fan mail.   Here is a collection of the highlights:  “Bush Supporters Vindicate the President.”    I began to wonder if supporting George W. Bush automatically depraved people’s ability to spell. It is unfortunate that more Americans did not catch […]

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My FFF Speech on “Bush’s War on Civil Liberties” is Now Online

The Future of Freedom Foundation put online today the speeches from their  June conference.   You can watch them here.     My topic was “Bush’s War on Civil Liberties.”  I had wanted to do an even-handed treatment of the issue but there were time limitations, so… The same webpage has links to the videos of the other […]

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