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MP3 of Today’s Surveillance-Bashing Interview Now Online

The interview with Brian Wilson is now online here.   You can listen there or download an MP3. (It is the second interview on the left). Homeland Security took a thrashing.  What a bunch of hooligans! And who was that government apologist who called up and urged everybody not to worry???

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Watching for Russian Bears

Since the American media seems to think that Russia is the new peril, I figured I should practice stalking bears. Here’s another angle of the same lake.   Looks suspiciously tranquil, if you ask me.  Plus, alcohol was banned in the area – a classic warning sign of an Islamist conspiracy.  (Another warning sign: I didn’t see […]

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McCain’s World Warring Lunacy On Display

The clash between Russia and Georgia is the conflict of two thuggish, authoritarian governments.   The American media seems to usually forget that it was Georgia that launched the attack. The conflict is highlighting the lunacy of McCain’s warmongering instincts. Mr. McCain’s top foreign policy adviser, Randy Scheunemann, was until recently a lobbyist for the government […]

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The George W. Bush Memorial Library

This is floating around the Internet; LawHobbit sent it to me, and it is too good not to post. If anyone knows the original source, let me know and I will properly credit it. **** The George W Bush Presidential Library is now in the planning stages. The Library will include: The Hurricane Katrina Room, […]

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Daniel Ellsberg’s Lessons for Our Time

The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online today an article of mine from the May issue of Freedom Daily.  Without further adieu…. ELLSBERG’S LESSONS FOR OUR TIME by James Bovard Daniel Ellsberg is the kind of American who should receive a Medal of Freedom. Except that the Medals of Freedom are distributed by presidents who […]

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FISA Bashing on Radio

Scott Horton of RADIO and I chatted about FISA and other obscenities on Tuesday.  The MP3 is now online and accessible here. Scott came up with a zippety title for the interview – “Attention Deficit Police State.” Scott was spooked when I told him the FBI has added skateboarding as a warning sign for its latest updates to […]

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