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The Virtual Iran War Resolution

This is one of those times that I realize how deficient the English language is in profanity.  Congressmen deserve far worse hammering than the vernacular allows. Congress may vote for  a resolution this week that would be a de facto declaration of war on Iran.  Iran poses no peril to the U.S. mainland.  But since the […]

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Kent Snyder, RIP

Kent Snyder, the head of Ron Paul’s Liberty Study Committee and Ron’s right-hand man for much of the last 20 years, passed away last week. I first recall meeting him when he invited me to talk to a regular dinner that congressman Paul held for fellow-minded members of Congress in the late 1990s.   Kent was […]

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George Carlin, RIP

George Carlin was one of the most penetrating political commentators of the last half century.   He was fearless and merciless to frauds and political con men.    He was also a master of the English language. He was an inspiration and he will be missed. He had the best thumbnail summary of the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal: “Kennedy aimed […]

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Ron Paul’s Good News Radio yesterday posted a very informative interview between Charles Goyette and Ron Paul.  At about 10 minutes into the interview, Goyette asked Congressman Paul about my comment on the blog regarding negotiations with the Republican party for a speaking slot at the Republican Convention in September convention. Congressman Paul replied: “I don’t know where […]

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Ellsberg’s Excellent Memoir

My latest article in Freedom Daily is “Ellsberg’s Lesson for Our Time.” I should have read Daniel Ellsberg’s excellent memoirs – SECRETS: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers  –  long ago.  But better late than never. Here is the lead of the article: Daniel Ellsberg is the kind of American who should receive […]

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AmeriCorps’ Latest Triumphs

The current issue of Ripon Forum includes a piece I wrote on the case against AmeriCorps and other national service boondoggles.  The Forum is published by the Ripon Society, an organization of liberal Republicans founded in 1965.  The same issue of the magazine features articles by Bob Dole,  George HW Bush, and Chris Shays.  I […]

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Ron Paul Supporters Rally at Capitol

A couple hundred Ron Paul supporters gathered in front of the Capitol today to hear speakers @organized by the Granny Warriors.  I stopped by mid afternoon.  I was told by one attendee that “Ron Paul came  by and spoke around 11:15. Unfortunately, the sound system was  not yet working  at that point.”  He said he […]

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