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Fox News Fan Mail

Got this email from someone who heard my two cents (actually, more like a half cent) on Fox News tonight. I bet this guy is out at a bookstore right now trying to buy up all the copies of my books that he can find.  ********** You are the one with attention deficit disorder.  One […]

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Arms-Length Whoring?

OK, maybe I was wrong in the prior blog about Bush’s new CIA nominee, Michael Hayden, not being linked to the poker-and-poking scandal at the Watergate. TalkingPointsMemo muckraker project reports that “While director of the National Security Agency, Gen. Michael V. Hayden contracted the services of a top executive at the company at the center […]

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Fan ‘Mail’ of the Week

The radio talk show on KMED in Oregon was lots of fun yesterday.   Host Bill Meyer has thought long and hard about the problem of ignorant voters and government off the leash.  Commenting on my work over the years, he said, “You are one big fat canary in the coal mine.” I admitted that it […]

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Updated Review Comments on Attention Deficit Democracy

Folks occasionally ask me what sort of response ATTENTION DEFICIT DEMOCRACY is generating.  Here is the latest set of reviews & comments. (I don’t think the publisher is planning to put the “character assassinations” quote from the Washington Times review on the front cover of future editions).  For more information on the book  & links to reviews, […]

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Groveling vs. Raging

The Washington Post has a front-page piece today sneering at angry bloggers.  Here’s the lead: In the angry life of Maryscott O’Connor, the rage begins as soon as she opens her eyes and realizes that her president is still George W. Bush. The sun has yet to rise and her family is asleep, but no […]

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Another Brazen Bush Lie on 9/11 posted my piece today on Bush’s brazen lies on Flight 93. This is the type of story that makes even me totter on the edge of cynicism. ANOTHER BUSH 9/11 LIE EXPOSEDby James Bovard The transcript the feds released this week of the final minutes of Flight 93 proves that President Bush brazenly and […]

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