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Split Decision on Amazon

I was browsing the Amazon pages for a few of my books and noted some new reviews with varying perspectives. Here’s one reader’s thoughts on Attention Deficit Democracy:   A fine contribution to the growing literature of liberty, November 2, 2006   Reviewer: James Carpenter (Pennsville, NJ USA) – See all my reviews    James Bovard’s Attention […]

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American Conservative: Bush’s Torture/Dictatorship Scandal

Here is the full text of my piece on the Military Commissions Act & the torture scandal from the December 18, 2006 issue of the American Conservative. It is good to see the screws tightening on some of these Bush rascals. This scandal could put an end to Bush II. [Comments Welcome at the End […]

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The Fair Trade Fraud at 15

The front page of the Washington Post this morning shows a tearful photo of a Pearl Harbor veteran and others at ceremonies commemorating the 65th anniversary of the ‘day of infamy.’ That photo reminded me that, 15 years ago, I was being derided as a Japanese agent.  (Yes, I did have a history before being labeled an […]

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Governments as Pathological Lying Screw-ups

The fine folks at the Foundation for Economic Education used another article of mine from the last century as their “timely classic” today.  I enjoyed writing this piece even though it disqualified me from receiving an Exemplary Idealist Award from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty – September 1999 Vol. 49 No.  9 […]

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The Great Gold Robbery

The Foundation for Economic Education featured as their “timely classic” today a 1999 article I did for their Freeman magazine on The Great Gold Robbery.  Here’s the piece – The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty – June 1999 The Great Gold Robbery By James Bovard James Bovard is the author of Freedom in Chains: The Rise […]

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Bush’s Torture Ticking Time Bomb

The American Conservative ran my piece on the Military Commissions Act and how the torture scandal may finish off the Bush presidency in their December 18, 2006 issue. My impression is that the full article will be online soon.  Here’s the lead and conclusion: Sins of Commission By James Bovard Have Republicans become the party […]

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Another Shot at Ruby Ridge

Kimberly Atkins, a reporter for the Boston Herald, called me yesterday regarding Deval Patrick, the Democratic candidate for governor in Massachusetts.  Patrick played a notorious role in the Ruby Ridge scandal, overruling a Justice Department panel regarding FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi.   Horiuchi  was the guy who gunned down Vicki Weaver as she held her baby […]

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