I will be on tomorrow afternoon at 4 pm Eastern time with Brian Wilson, one of the fastest thinking, quickest-witted talk show hosts in the business. The show will be broadcast on Toledo’s WSPD radio station. You can listen live at http://www.wspd.com/pages/listenlive.html
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Wisconsin interview posted online
The hour long interview with Joy Cardin is also already on her archive page. You can listen by clicking in at http://www.wpr.org/webcasting/ideas_audioarchives.cfm?Code=jca A listener to the program told me that it would also be re-broadcast over the web later this evening but I am not sure about that.
on Wisconsin Public Radio Wednesday morning
I will be Wisconsin Public Radio for an hour on Wednesday morning, 9 a.m. Eastern time. Listen live at http://www.wpr.org/webcasting/live.cfm
Speaking in New York City on Saturday Night
I will be speaking at the Manhattan Libertarian Convention on Saturday evening, January 21. This is part of the LP’s annual conference – being held at the Ukrainian East Village Restaurant at 140 Second Ave. Should be lots of fun. I have never seen libertarians eat Ukrainian cuisine before.
Fear & Servitude
The Washington Post has an excellent front page story on the boarhawging of Mohammed Yousry, the court-appointed translator for lawyer Lynne Stewart. Federal prosecutors spent three years wiretapping his phone and reading all the files on his computer, thanks to a FISA warrant. Even a federal prosecutor conceded: “Yousry is not a practicing Muslim. He […]
Thanks to Will Grigg & the New American
Will Grigg, the editor-in-chief of the New American, wrote a very kind review of Attention Deficit Democracy. I appreciate his bovine humor, since it goes back to my roots. “Spectacular… Attention Deficit Democracy displays Bovard’s emergence as a formidable prose stylist. Relentlessly incisive and epigrammatic, Bovard at his best reminds me of Nock and […]
The FISA Farce
The Future of Freedom Foundation posted an article of mine on the FISA Farce. Here are the first few paragraphs of the piece: President Bush proudly announced last month that he is violating federal law. He declared that in 2002 he ordered the National Security Agency to begin conducting warrantless wiretaps and email intercepts on […]