Press TV Interview on Idiotic US Wars & Idiot Policymakers

I worked hard to flatter my high-level contacts inside the Obama administration in an interview on the wisdom of US warring on Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. The link to the Press TV interview is here. The noise in the background is the sound of a new roof being put on my neighbor’s townhouse. [redacted @#$@#$ […]

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Misdefining Liberty

from the Future of Freedom Foundation’s Freedom Daily (January 2011 issue) MISDEFINING LIBERTY by James Bovard The definitions of liberty devised in ivory towers and elsewhere have a profound impact on political and judicial thinking. Regardless of how wrongheaded some concepts of liberty prevalent early last century may now appear, America’s legal structure is now […]

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Washington Crashes Everything

I could add four or five more federal issues waiting to crash. But why would any reasonable person not expect the feds to continue being asleep at the control tower? Another excellent cartoon the Post’s Tom Toles .

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Columbine Anniversary #12: The Forgotten Lies & Cowardice

The American Spectator August,1999 HEADLINE: They Couldn’t SWAT a Fly But police commando teams are still a menace to society. BYLINE: by James Bovard. James Bovard is the author of Freedom in Chains: The Rise of the State and the Demise of the Citizen (St. Martin’s Press). Federal and Colorado officials have transformed the April […]

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Waco Redux

This is the 18th anniversary of the FBI’s final assault at Waco. Here are a few pieces I wrote for the Wall Street Journal about Waco in 1995 during a brief window when Republicans claimed to be intent on discovering what actually happened at that debacle. Janet Reno’s comparison of a 54-ton tank to a […]

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MP3 of Interview with Antiwar’s Scott Horton on Idiot Libyan Policymakers

From “James Bovard, author of Attention Deficit Democracy, discusses his article, “Uncle Sam’s big plans for your hard-earned tax dollars;” the two-party “consensus of rascals” on US foreign policy; the “best and brightest” government policymakers who are blinded by arrogance, tunnel vision and echo chambers; and the confusion about whether disastrous foreign policy decisions […]

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