Screenshot 2022-09-23 at 08-33-04 Something Completely Different With Brian Wilson on Apple Podcasts

Nose Bleed Censors, Electric Bus Bust, and Biden’s 9th Wonder of the World – Brian Wilson Podcast

From the Brian Wilson Something Completely Different podcast: – Nose Bleeds, Electric Bus Bust and the 9th Wonder of the World! Listen Live at this link: Other podcast options at this link –

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Biden’s Crazy COVID Nose Bleed Police

Biden’s Crazy COVID Nose Bleed Police by Jim Bovard | Aug 7, 2023 Breaking News: Biden White House discovers a “nose bleed” exemption to the First Amendment! A top Biden White House staffer elbowed Facebook to intervene in private conversations anytime someone mentioned COVID vaccine side effects such as nose bleeds. House Judiciary Committee chairman […]

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Korean Armistice at 70: Redefining Atrocities as Victory

Counterpunch, August 4, 2023 Korean Armistice at 70: Redefining Atrocities as Victory by James Bovard       Last week was the 70th anniversary of the armistice that ended the fighting between North and South Korea.  In a low-key commemoration, the White House Press Office issued a statement from President Biden calling to “renew our […]

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Trump Impeachment, War Lies, FISA Frauds on Brian Wilson Two & Only Podcast

Brian Wilson and I had fun smacking around the latest Trump indictment, the lies that permeated the Korean and Iraq Wars, and the latest FBI FISA finagling on the latest Two and Only Podcast. You can listen to the 25 minute rowdy discussion  here Be sure to check out Brian’s other sites: Brian Wilson […]

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CARTOON IRAQ toles06152014

The Iraq War Was a Systematic Atrocity

The Iraq War Was a Systematic Atrocity by James Bovard Media coverage of the twentieth anniversary of the start of the Iraq War mostly portrayed the war as a blunder. There were systematic war crimes that have largely vanished into the memory hole, but permitting government officials to vaporize their victims paves the way to […]

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Remember the Atrocities of the Korean War, Not the Propaganda   Libertarian Institute, July 27, 2023 Remember the Atrocities of the Korean War, Not the Propaganda by James Bovard Today is the 70th anniversary of the armistice that ended the fighting between North and South Korea. Almost 40,000 American soldiers died pointlessly in that conflict. If politicians and policymakers were honest and prudent, the […]

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