Tag Archives | Ashcroft

My 2003 piece: Surveillance State – from American Conservative

Here’s a 2003 piece from the American Conservative on out-of-control government surveillance. This was the first piece I wrote for them (the magazine was launched the previous Fall).  The editing process went more smoothly with subsequent pieces I wrote for them. 🙂 My original final paragraph: Three months after 9/11, Ashcroft announced: “To those who […]

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Alexander Cockburn, RIP

Alexander Cockburn, one of the best and most courageous writers of our time, has passed away after a two year fight with cancer.  I was a huge fan of his writings from the Kosovo/Serbian war onwards. He saw through and skewered the Clinton/Albright BS on that disgraceful, unprovoked NATO aggression as well as anybody.  I […]

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Patriot Act and Attention Deficit Democracy

The Campaign for Liberty reposted this 2006 article of mine today, so, what the heck – I’ll pile on. The Patriot Act and Attention Deficit Democracy By James Bovard The American political system failed when Congress and the media recently rolled over in favor of extending the most onerous provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act. […]

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Counterpunch: Operation Tarmac

From Counterpunch – OPERATION TARMAC by James Bovard ….. Unfortunately, few people recognize the political racketeering involved in the post–9/11 roundups of airport workers. That practically ensures that, if there is another major terrorist attack or some similar debacle, mass arrests will once again be used to burnish the government’s image.

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The Feds’ Post-9/11 Purge of Airport Workers

From the Future of Freedom Foundation’s Freedom Daily (February 2010)… American travelers are at far greater risk from weasely cabinet secretaries than from fast-food workers. Operation Tarmac illustrated how “retail” lying is dangerous and can result in a prison sentence — while “wholesale” lying is a steppingstone to fame and greater power. The Feds’ Post-9/11 […]

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