Radio yesterday posted a very informative interview between Charles Goyette and Ron Paul. At about 10 minutes into the interview, Goyette asked Congressman Paul about my comment on the blog regarding negotiations with the Republican party for a speaking slot at the Republican Convention in September convention. Congressman Paul replied: “I don’t know where […]
Tag Archives | Attention Deficit Democracy
Ron Paul Goes “Respectful”
The Washington Post has an article today on the number of Ron Paul’s relatives who worked for his presidential campaign. I will be curious if there are other analyses of how the Paul campaign spent $30 million. The Post article quoted Paul campaign spokesman Jesse Benton saying that Paul would be “continuing a […]
FFF Conference Next Week
The Future of Freedom Foundation will hold their second annual foreign policy/civil liberties conference next week in Reston, Va. The conference runs from June 6 to June 8. The $495 fee cover all meals and 20 speakers. I will be speaking on Friday around 1:30 on “Bush’s War on Civil Liberties.” Tricky to find enough […]
No Justice on Memorial Day
Here is a great Washington Post photo of Bush strutting at the White House as he receives visitors from the Rolling Thunder veterans motorcycle group. It is obscene how the same politicians who send Americans to die in unnecessary wars are treated like heroes on Memorial Day. One would hope that this day, above all others, would be […]
The Democratic-Peace Fraud
The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online my piece from the March 2008 Freedom Daily on why democracy is no cure for war. Here’s my 2 cents on the topic – The Democratic-Peace Fraud by James Bovard The doctrine of “democratic peace” now provides vital camouflage for the American war machine. Michael Novak, a theologian […]
Now Online: Podcast of BMW Horse**** Interview!
Talk show host Brian Wilson and I had a rattlin’ good chat on WSPD in Toledo today. We kicked hell out of the Homegrown Terrorism and Violent Radicalization BS Act now before the Senate. There were wine, beer, and cigar jokes, as well as expressions of condolence to the Israeli Prime Minister who might be […]
Ellsberg’s Excellent Memoir
My latest article in Freedom Daily is “Ellsberg’s Lesson for Our Time.” I should have read Daniel Ellsberg’s excellent memoirs – SECRETS: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers – long ago. But better late than never. Here is the lead of the article: Daniel Ellsberg is the kind of American who should receive […]