Tag Archives | Biden


N.Y. Post: The media is finally waking up to the sham stats behind Biden’s economy boasts

New York Post, September 5, 2023 The media is finally waking up to the sham stats behind Biden’s economy boasts by James Bovard How could Washington’s “best and brightest” be so clueless for so long? After perennially and uncritically repeating President Biden’s false claims about cutting the federal budget deficit, The Washington Post admitted Sunday […]

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Smacking Biden Corruption on the Scott Horton Show

My old friend Scott Horton and I had fun smacking the latest Biden corruption eruptions. 8/17/23 Jim Bovard on the Biden Family’s Corruption by Scott | Aug 19, 2023 | Interviews Download Episode. Jim Bovard joins the show to talk about some of his recent articles on Joe and Hunter Biden. Scott and Bovard examine […]

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Smackdowns Galore on the Brian Wilson Two and Only Podcast

Brian Wilson and I had too much fun smacking Biden, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and any other rascal that served our subversive purpose.  Here’s Brian’s write-up: The Two and Only return with no mercy for Biden, Biden, Garland and the new American “Justus.” Jim Bovard’s website Be sure to check out Brian’s other sites: Brian […]

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Screenshot 2023-08-18 at 07-18-37 The New York Post e-Edition

N.Y. Post: Hunter Biden loses chance to give courthouse speech — and the special counsel loses more credibility

New York Post, August 17, 2023 Hunter Biden loses chance to give courthouse speech — and the special counsel loses more credibility by James Bovard Breaking News: Hunter Biden was robbed of the chance to win the Emmy Award for Best Tear-Jerking Performance on Courthouse Steps by a Media Darling. The Washington Post revealed Thursday […]

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