Tag Archives | Biden

wrecking ball

Biden’s Wrecking Ball Benevolence for Homebuyers

Biden’s Wrecking Ball Benevolence for Homebuyers by James Bovard When did being creditworthy become a federal crime? The Biden administration is intentionally punishing homebuyers with good credit scores to subsidize people with shaky histories of paying their debts. But the latest salvation scheme ignores the sordid history of federal policymakers ravaging homeowners they promised to […]

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N.Y. Post: Merrick Garland’s latest dirty trick to protect the Bidens

New York Post, August 12, 2023 Merrick Garland’s latest dirty trick to protect the Bidens By James Bovard Attorney General Merrick Garland may have just played his last trick card to save Joe Biden: appointing a special counsel to delay prosecution of his son Hunter. With any luck, the official Justice Department final report on […]

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Screenshot 2022-09-23 at 08-33-04 Something Completely Different With Brian Wilson on Apple Podcasts

Nose Bleed Censors, Electric Bus Bust, and Biden’s 9th Wonder of the World – Brian Wilson Podcast

From the Brian Wilson Something Completely Different podcast: – Nose Bleeds, Electric Bus Bust and the 9th Wonder of the World! Listen Live at this link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-two-and-only-brian-wilson-and-james-bovard-ep-33/id1638506178?i=1000623968493 Other podcast options at this link – https://nfscd.buzzsprout.com/1991115/13379089-the-two-and-only-brian-wilson-and-james-bovard-ep-33

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Biden’s Crazy COVID Nose Bleed Police

Biden’s Crazy COVID Nose Bleed Police by Jim Bovard | Aug 7, 2023 Breaking News: Biden White House discovers a “nose bleed” exemption to the First Amendment! A top Biden White House staffer elbowed Facebook to intervene in private conversations anytime someone mentioned COVID vaccine side effects such as nose bleeds. House Judiciary Committee chairman […]

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Korean Armistice at 70: Redefining Atrocities as Victory

Counterpunch, August 4, 2023 Korean Armistice at 70: Redefining Atrocities as Victory by James Bovard       Last week was the 70th anniversary of the armistice that ended the fighting between North and South Korea.  In a low-key commemoration, the White House Press Office issued a statement from President Biden calling to “renew our […]

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