Tag Archives | Biden

Screenshot 2021-06-20 at 22-22-06 G7 - Our Rulers Unleashed - Fascinating Analysis of Hypocrisy

Defining Down Freedom – Kate Wand YouTube Version

Kate Wand made a great video reading my American Institute for Economic Research article on “Defining Freedom Down” with the backdrop of the recent G-7 meeting of Political Puppeteers, including speech outtakes. The article sounds a lot better with her voice. Instead of “Build Back Better” further empowering reckless rulers, we need to “Build Back […]

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Defining Freedom Down – Redefinindo a Liberdade – Portuguese

Thanks a lot to the Instituto Rothbard for translating my “Defining Freedom Down” into Portuguese – and for the great art work! Instituto Rothbard Redefinindo a liberdade Por James Bovard – A Grande Pandemia terá soltado as rédeas dos governos permanentemente em todo o mundo? A Covid-19 está permitindo que os políticos transformem a liberdade […]

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Biden’s Buffoonish War on Extremism

American Conservative, June 17, 2021 Biden’s Buffonish War on Extremism by James Bovard The Biden administration revealed on Tuesday that guys who can’t get laid may be terrorist threats due to “involuntary celibate–violent extremism.” That revelation is part of a new crackdown that identifies legions of potential “domestic terrorists” that the feds can castigate and […]

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Defining Down Freedom

American Institute for Economic Research, June 16, 2021 Defining Down Freedom James Bovard Will the Great Pandemic permanently unleash governments around the world? Covid-19 is enabling politicians to turn freedom from an individual right into a conditional bureaucratic dispensation. Defining down freedom was exemplified by the G-7 Summit that became a ludicrous and hypocritical Lockdowners […]

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Guatemala Human Rights Ravaged by U.S. Drug War

Mises Institute, June 8, 2021 Guatemala: The Human Rights Nightmare That Is the US Drug War by James Bovard Vice President Kamala Harris visited Guatemala earlier this week to bestow millions of dollars in new foreign aid on that government. The Biden administration is pretending that giving more US tax dollars to Central American governments […]

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Will Biden’s Sham Corruption Crackdown Endanger Freedom?

American Institute for Economic Research, June 7, 2021 Will Biden’s Sham Corruption Crackdown Endanger Freedom? James Bovard Denouncing corruption is the easiest way for rascally politicians to appear honest. Upholding a venerable Washington Kabuki tradition, President Joe Biden announced on Thursday that he was “issuing” a memo to “establish combatting corruption as a core U.S. […]

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Will Treason Mania Destroy America?

Will Treason Mania Destroy America? by James Bovard At the start of the Biden era, America is being torn apart by more allegations of treason than at any time since the Civil War. Historian Henry Adams observed a century ago that politics “has always been the systematic organization of hatreds.” And few things spur hatred […]

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