Tag Archives | Biden


Will the Pandemic Promote Political Power in Perpetuity?

American Institute for Economic Research, May 26, 2021 Will the Pandemic Promote Political Power in Perpetuity? James Bovard “It’s like we created another industry in our state. The amount of money is staggering,” Andrew Schaufele, director of Maryland’s Bureau of Revenue Estimates, happily declared last week. The Biden stimulus plan is deluging governments across America […]

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Biden’s “America the Beautiful” Vision Ignores Feds’ Dreadful Record

American Institute for Economic Research, May 10, 2011 Biden’s “America the Beautiful” Vision Ignores Feds’ Dreadful Record by James Bovard Will Biden’s “America the Beautiful” program save America’s environment? On January 27, President Joe Biden issued an executive order proclaiming “the goal of conserving at least 30 percent of our lands and waters by 2030.” […]

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Biden’s Army of Snitches and “Dollars for Collars”

American Conservative, May 10, 2021 Biden Plans Expansion of Feds’ Army of Snitches in ‘Dollars for Collars’ Program by  James Bovard The Biden administration may soon recruit an army of private snoops to conduct surveillance that would be illegal if done by federal agents. As part of its war on extremism, the Department of Homeland […]

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The Coming IRS Reign of Terror

Daily Caller, May 6, 2021 BOVARD: The Coming IRS Reign Of Terror James Bovard Contributor The power to tax has long conferred the power to destroy political opponents. But in the glorious era of President Joe Biden, all previous cases of government abuse of power are being expunged, at least by the media and Biden […]

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Estonian Translation of my Biden Budget Speech Bash

Thanks very much to Objektiiv for translating my AIER piece on Biden’s Budget Buncombe into Estonian. I hope the humor worked better in translation. James Bovard: sõna sai Vikatimees 4. mai 2021 James Bovard Majandusteadlane, filosoof ja kirjanik James Boward annab mõttekoja Ameerika Majandusuuringute Instituudi (American Institute for Economic Research) portaalis ülevaate Joe Bideni Ameerika […]

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FISA and the Still Too Secret Police

American Conservative, April 30, 2021 FISA and the Still Too Secret Police The FBI continues to lawlessly use counterintelligence powers against American citizens. by James Bovard The Deep State Referee just admitted that the FBI continues to commit uncounted violations of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA). If you sought to report a […]

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Biden’s Pandemic Theater Salvation Show

American Institute for Economic Research, April 29, 2021 A Grim Reaper Speaks James Bovard –President Biden’s first speech to Congress last night hit all the pandemic hot buttons. Even though most members of Congress are vaccinated, all of the 200 attendees in the Capitol were required to wear masks and “socially distance.” The Hill reports […]

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