Tag Archives | boston


Forced Busing: Biggest DEI Debacle in U.S. History

Forced Busing: Biggest DEI Debacle in U.S. History by James Bovard President Joe Biden seeks to boost government school spending to close the achievement gap between white and black students. According to the Biden administration, disparities in student test scores justify further government intervention. But Biden ignores how previous government education decrees ravaged Americans’ freedom […]

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jpb wash times school bus crash

Biden buries biggest diversity debacle in American education history

Washington Times, May 28, 2024 Biden buries biggest diversity debacle in American education history Using schools to forcibly remake society by James Bovard Two weeks ago, President Biden whooped up the 70th anniversary of a landmark Supreme Court decision in a speech at the National Museum of African American History and Culture.  In his bid […]

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New York Post: Confessions of a one-season department-store Santa

New York Post, December 24, 2021 Confessions of a one-season department-store Santa by James Bovard   In the fall of 1977, I moved to Boston seeking literary triumphs and intellectual stimulation. As a 21-year-old college dropout from the mountains of Virginia who had just sold his first article, I assumed I could easily rack up […]

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thoreau 1896 drawing copyright free Henry_David_Thoreau_by_Vallotton

Losing Thoreau in Boston

Mises Institute, July 11, 2020 You Don’t Have to “Cultivate Poverty” to Pursue Truth, Contrary to Thoreau by James Bovard Henry David Thoreau has inspired generation of Americans to live fuller, freer lives. From his story of spending a night in jail as a tax protestor in “Civil Disobedience” to his chronicle of solitary living […]

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Thoreau and Emerson Helped Spark the Civil War

American Conservative, July 9, 2020 19th Century Radical Chic: How Transcendentalists’ Swooned Over John Brown Thoreau and Emerson’s effort to canonize the abolitionist fanatic helped spark the Civil War.  by  Jim Bovard Many Americans have been aghast at violent mobs toppling statues and the widespread looting and destructive rampages that followed the killing of George […]

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The Folly of Fantasy-Based Political Philosophy

It’s a coin toss which is more damnably confounding – contemporary journalism or contemporary philosophy. Reminded of this conundrum by the latest New Yorker article whooping up Elizabeth Anderson, a University of Michigan philosophy professor, as the great hope for American equality. The 8000-word profile was an exercise in faith building which failed to sway […]

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