The American Conservative today put online my article updating the torture scandal. We Have Ways….. American Conservative, November 5, 2007 by James Bovard On Oct. 4, the New York Times blew another ten-foot hole in the Bush administration’s torture cover-up. The Times revealed that the Justice Department produced a secret legal opinion in early 2005 […]
Tag Archives | Bovard
Truman Debunked by a Liberal
Steve of the Aging Hipster Blog had an excellent post this weekend debunking Harry Truman. For at least 3 decades, Truman has been in the Pantheon of Great or Near-Great Presidents – someone who supposedly stood up for principle and scorned the gales of popular opinion. As usual, this is bunkum. Steve lays out how Truman […]
Goyette Interview Now Available Online
Charles Goyette’s radio interview with me from this morning is now online here or here. The “mouses…. mice” muff might not be the highlight of the interview.
Kwiatkowski Radio Interview Now Online
Monday night’s radio show with Karen Kwiatkowski is online here in MP3. (Click on the MP3 file for the second hour of her 10/29/07 show). We had a good ol’ time whupping up on Bush, Cheney, and the rascals who have anointed them.
Editor Bob Vindicates the FBI
My essay on “The FBI’s Right to Threaten Torture” has been deftly refuted by Bob Weir, the editor of The News Connection down in Texas. Here is the response he sent The Future of Freedom Foundation: “Keep your eyes on this case, because it could help determine how far feds can go to destroy innocent […]
On the Karen Kwiatkowski Radio Show tonight (Monday 10/29)
I will be on the Karen Kwiatkowski Radio Show tonight from 9 till 10 pm Eastern time. You can listen live here. Karen’s radio show is now on the We The People Radio Network. Karen is the retired Air Force Lt. Col. who courageously blew the whistle on the NeoCons’ machinations in the Pentagon prior to the […]
The FBI’s Right to Threaten Torture
The following op-ed is being shotgunned out today by the Future of Freedom Foundation. THE FBI’S RIGHT TO THREATEN TORTURE by James Bovard A federal appeals court has concluded that an FBI agent must go to trial on charges he coerced a false confession out of a prime suspect in the 9/11 attacks. But […]