Tag Archives | Bovard

Drunk Driving Checkpoints vs. Freedom

The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online a piece I wrote for their Freedom Daily on the scourge of drunk driving checkpoints. DRUNK DRIVING CHECKPOINTS: EVERY DRIVER GUILTY by James Bovard Tens of thousands of innocent Americans are stopped each month at police checkpoints that treat every driver as a criminal. These checkpoints, supposedly started […]

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My Troubles with the No Fly List Finally Explained

For those of you who missed the comment by Tom Blanton, the mastermind of the Project for the New American Revolution, on the “Raving Editors” blog entry…   It has come to my attention that many of these hostile editors may have you confused with Blind Sheik al-Bovard. This guy was a piano player who penned a […]

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Speaking Monday (10/22) in Orlando

I will be talking  at Students for Liberty event at Valencia Community College West on Monday, October 22, from 5 till 7 pm.  Here’s the invite – If you need more info, shoot me an email at jim@jimbovard.com Or contact the presdient of VCC’s Student for Liberty, Alicia Barker, at abarker4@atlas.valenciacc.edu Should be lots of […]

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Editors Rave Over my “President’s Right to Kill” article

The good folks at the Future of Freedom Foundation kindly forwarded to me some of the lively responses they received  after sending out my op-ed, “Are Presidents Entitled to Kill Foreigners?” I’m not certain, but I’m pretty sure all these editors decided not to publish the article. Here’s a response from Bob Weir,  the executive editor […]

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Bush Stands Up for Genocide

Bush today vigorously opposed a congressional resolution to finally recognize the Turkish slaughter of more than a million Armenian Christians as genocide. Bush declared: “We all deeply regret the tragic suffering of the Armenian people that began in 1915. This resolution is not the right response to these historic mass killings, and its passage would do […]

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Excellent new DVD on FBI National Security Letter Abuses

The Bill of Rights Defense Committee just released an excellent new DVD: FBI Unbound: How National Security Letters Violate Our Privacy.” The DVD features interviews with George Christian, the executive director of Library Connection, the Connecticut organization that courageously refused to comply with an FBI National Security Letter (NSL) and helped make the letters a national controversy.   Lisa Graves […]

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Are Presidents Entitled to Kill Foreigners?

The Future of Freedom Foundation is shotgunning out an op-ed I wrote about presidents’ right to kill.  My favorite line from this piece: Sometimes the threat of a noose is the best way to keep the peace.   ARE PRESIDENTS ENTITLED TO KILL FOREIGNERS? by James Bovard What is the common term for ordering soldiers to kill […]

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