Tag Archives | Bovard

Finally! My Northwest Territory Breakthrough!

I’ll be on in Yellowknife at 7:35 a.m. Monday. Maybe even better, I’ll be on in Gander at 7:20 a.m. and in Whitehorse at 8:30 a.m. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation will be doing a series of 6 minute interviews with me Monday morn.  Canada is adapting a U.S.-style “No Fly List.” The CBC wants me to […]

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Bravo Judge Walton!

Will there actually be some justice rendered to a Bush administration top dog? Federal judge Reggie Walton ruled today that convicted felon Irving “Scooter” Libby must begin serving his prison sentence within the next several weeks. This will send the NeoConservatives and other pro-war types into Full Indignation/Rage.  They will redouble the pressure on Bush to pardon […]

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Paperback Attention Deficit Democracy Hits Stores This Week

The paperback version of Attention Deficit Democracy arrives in stores this week. Hmmm….  Re-reading that….  Maybe I should say, “According to credible sources, the paperback version of A.D.D. is scheduled to arrive in stores this week.” I have to be careful, since many people assume that I blindly trust anything a publisher says. I will be […]

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Ellsberg: The Washington Media Has Always Groveled

I had the pleasure of chatting with Daniel Ellsberg, who risked his career and freedom by releasing the Pentagon Papers in the early 1970s, over the last few days.  His speech at the Future of Freedom Foundation conference was superb.   Karen Kwiatkowski declared that the last 7 minutes of his speech should be put up on YouTube.com […]

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Speaking Friday at FFF Conference

On Friday morning at 9 a.m. [redacted], I will be giving a spiel on “How Foreign Warring Subverts Freedom at Home” at a Future of Freedom Foundation confab in Reston, Va.  The conference, “Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy & Civil Liberties,”  will feature an array of liberal, conservative, and libertarian speakers – including a number […]

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Great Memorial Day Cartoon – Opus Today

 The Opus cartoon in today’s Sunday paper is one of the finest Memorial Day tributes I have seen anywhere.  (the cartoon itself is a FEW INCHES BELOW HERE – because of how the @#$@#$# blog software works.). Opus and his dandelions –  what a perfect illustration for this day.  (The full size drawing in the […]

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Police Rampage Update & Contact Info

I received an email comment last night from the lady who courageously videotaped many police abuses during the National Police Week festivities.  It is comment # 72 on the prior blog entry. I think it deserves more visibility, so I am highlighting it here.  She mentions, ”Any input, help, support or even a few kind words at […]

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