Tag Archives | Bovard

How the Sniveling Media Paved the Road to War

Bill Moyers Journal on PBS tonight had a great program on how media groveling to Bush administration falsehoods and absurdities helped lead to the Iraq war. The program focused on the villains and bootlickers in the press.  It also contained interviews with some of the courageous reporters – such as Warren Stroebel and Jonathan Landay of Knight […]

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Szasz Tromps The Latest Psychiatric Idiocy

The heroic Tom Szasz has an excellent piece today on the Foundation for Economic Education website trouncing the mass “lock ’em up” reflex to the Virginia Tech shootings. It is a helluva thing when the “experts” respond to a government’s prohibition of self-defense (Va. Tech was a proud gun-free zone, except for cops & mass killers) […]

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The Martial Law Act of 2007

Congress rubberstamped martial law. The American Conservative posted online my article on how Congress rolled out the red carpet for martial law.  This piece vivifies how neither party in Washington  gives a darn about the risks of dictatorship in America. American Conservative   April 23, 2007 Working for the Clampdown What might the president do with his new […]

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Waco, R.I.P.

Today is the 14th anniversary of the FBI’s finale at Waco. This was the day that 80 civilians died as a result of a tank-and-toxic gas assault.   I thought Waco might be the most important public education lesson of the 1990s, but it seems to have  had scant impact. Most Americans forgot or never undertstood Waco, paving […]

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Condolences to everyone at Virginia Tech & their families

The shooting today at Virginia Tech is dreadful news.  I have fond memories of the time I spent at Tech and of the fine folks there. Blacksburg is (was?) one of the most idyllic college towns in the nation. . I want to extend my condolences to the families and friends of the people shot today. I […]

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Government Lies vs. Self-Government

Responding to implacable demands from central Europe, the Future of Freedom Foundation today finally posted online the full text of my piece on Hungarian Lies and American Lessons. Hungarians are still steaming about the government’s lies in last year’s elections, but most Americans appear to have forgotten Bush’s verbal frauds from the campaign trail last October.   […]

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