Tag Archives | Bovard

Where do we Report the Terrorist Cops???

The Los Angeles Police Department has a new video out encouraging people to run squealing to the police practically every time some stranger asks directions to City Hall. This is part of an orchestrated effort to keep people jumpy and clamoring for government to save them. But where do we report terrorist cops? Los Angeles […]

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Antiwar Interview on Ashcroft, Tyranny, etc. now online

Scott Horton and I had a rollicking good chat earlier this week on the post 9/11 roundup of innocent terrorist suspects, why John Ashcroft should receive “justice” (and hard), the outrage of sovereign immunity, and the bisexual congresswoman entrapped by a lesbian foreign agent. You can hear it here. [If that link doesn’t work, hit […]

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My Paranoia Vindicated – Gahan Wilson

  “When did you first become aware of this imagined ‘plot to get you?’” Or, as they said after Ruby Ridge, “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean that they are not out to get you.” Gahan Wilson (no relation to Ruby Ridge) has a new 3 volume collection of his Playboy cartoons hot off the […]

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Civility, 2007-Style: Hanging George Bush

Some people who are outraged by anti-Obama placards have forgotten that, only a few years ago, many people were condemning George Bush in terms as harsh or harsher. Here is a picture I took at an antiwar rally in Washington in January 2007. The sign – “What’s good for the goose….. gandar” – refers to […]

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Bluegrass Festival: Danny Paisley & Southern Grass, Etc.

I caught the “Bluegrass on the Farm” festival in Derwood, Maryland on Saturday. Danny Paisley and Southern Grass put on two magnificent performances. Paisley and his band are nominated for 4 awards this year from the International Bluegrass Music Association. Rain made the audience sparse, but Paisley and crew performed at a fever pitch regardless. […]

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The Post 9/11 Round-up of Innocents: Ashcroft’s High Crime

The Post–9/11 Roundup of Innocents by James Bovard Freedom Daily May & June, 2009 Many Americans have been lulled into a false sense of security by the end of the George W. Bush administration. In reality, the government continues to pose grave perils to people’s rights and liberties. And it could take only one shocking […]

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