Tag Archives | Bovard

LIVE ONLINE Friday (3/23) 11:30 Eastern with Goyette in AZ

I will be on the Charles Goyette show tomorrow (3/23) at 11:30 a.m Eastern time.  Charles is one of the  best talk show hosts in the biz – and he is gung-ho pro-freedom.  (He has been doing interviews recently for Antiwar.com).   His sense of humor helps listeners grin ‘n’ bear almost all of the Bush […]

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“Damned Proud” of Dead Lebanese Women & Children

Former US United Nations Ambassador John Bolton told the BBC today that he was “damned proud” of how the U.S. intentionally blocked efforts to achieve a ceasefire last summer when Israel was bombing Beirut and many other locales in Lebanon. The BBC summarized Bolton’s comments: “A former top American diplomat says the US deliberately resisted […]

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Gonzales’s Fall, Bush’s Impeachment?

Lew Rockwell suggested yesterday that I do a piece on the Gonzales meltdown and how it could affect Bush.   Every now and then, I am not immune to good ideas, so I wrote it and he posted it on LewRockwell.com today.  I appreciate all the comments I received on the Gonzales blog entries in the […]

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Great Recap of Media Debacles etc. on Iraq War

The folks at Fairness and Accuracy in Media (FAIR) have a superb timeline of media duplicity, cravenness, and occasional truth before and during the war with Iraq. [FAIR does some excellent analyses, even if they did scowl at my work in 1991.   They tagged me “the media’s favorite opponent of national agricultural programs” and complained,   “Bovard achieved […]

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Thanks to Bill Thompson and the Ocala Star-Banner

Bill Thompson, the assistant editorial page editor of the Ocala Star Banner, had kind words yesterday for Attention Deficit Democracy.  Here is his piece: Following a couple wannabes In case you missed it, America has been at war in Iraq for four years, as of tomorrow. And despite more than 25,000 American casualties and a […]

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Great Torture Humor

Tim O’Regan has the perfect response to the Establishment media’s groveling to the tortured confession and the redacted transcript out of Gitmo. O’Regan reveals that KSM and his look-alike, porn star Ron Jeremy, are the “Hairy Brothers of Destruction.”   O’Regan reveals: KSM supplied a type-written note that listed all of the crimes the duo is responsible […]

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My Editor & Publisher hit on TSA’s Miami Killing

I wrote a piece for Editor & Publisher in late 2005 on TSA’s killing of a passenger in Miami.  The link is no longer working, so here’s the piece…. Editor & Publisher, December 15, 2005 Media Docility & Another No Cost Federal Killing? by James Bovard  In the weeks after the Hurricane Katrina debacle, many […]

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