Tag Archives | Bovard

Gonzo’s Final Straw?

Murray Waas, one of the best investigative journalists in DC, has a new piece on Attorney General Alberto Gonzales’s role in derailing a Justice Department investigation of his own possible criminality.  Waas notes at the National Journal: Shortly before Attorney General Alberto Gonzales advised President Bush last year on whether to shut down a Justice […]

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Rising Odds of Impeachment

Attorney General Gonzales is dead meat.  His exit is only a question of time.  (I been wrong before, but….) I think the Senate Dems will not confirm some obvious hatchet man as the replacement for Gonzales.   Bush has “benefitted” from two Attorney Generals who were profoundly dishonest and demagogic.  No matter what the Bush administration did, […]

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On Texas Radio with Brian Wilson on Thursday (3/15)

Brian Wilson, one of the best talk show hosts in the country, invited me on his show tomorrow (Thursday, 3/15) at 11 a.m. Eastern time.    Should be a good chance to celebrate the Ides of March for the greatest jurist in modern Texas history, Alberto Gonzales, the soon-to-be former Attorney General.   Brian will be guest hosting […]

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Feds Shaft Historic Gun Maker

Federal gun experts have too often suffered from a shortage of expertise and an excess of spite.  Len Savage, the president of Historic Arms, a Georgia company, is being boarhawged bigtime by the G-men.   He had an excellent commentary piece posted recently by the fine folks at Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership.  Claire Wolfe has been […]

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BRAVO! One Down, More to Go

It is encouraging that the jury found Scooter Libby guilty on most charges. It will be amusing to watch the conservative elite howl that the verdict is a violation of their sacred right to rule by deceit. If Libby turns state’s evidence to reduce his prison sentence, the White House could need roof repair real […]

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Portentous or Just Gloomy?

  I snapped this along the C & O Canal yesterday. I realized it was too cold when I saw a crowd of Wiccans marching along wearing thermal bras. Ten more days to the Ides of March.

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My Time in the Tower of London

 The Future of Freedom Foundation today posted online an article of mine from the December Freedom Daily.   I posted an excerpt of this piece here earlier; here is the full text. MY TIME IN THE TOWER OF LONDON      by James Bovard I visited the Tower of London in May on an overcast, dreary Friday afternoon. […]

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