Kathleen Nelson, the president of Laissez-Faire Books (LFB), notified me today that Attention Deficit Democracy is a finalist for the Spooner Award. The award, for the Best Book on Liberty in the prior year, is given by LFB and the Center for Libertarian Thought. I’m very pleased to have made the final cut. Since the 1970s, […]
Tag Archives | Bovard
Fashion Quandary for Conservative Event
So I’m going to the Hoover Institution reception in Washington tonight. Hoover’s Christmas card this year featured a picture of the medal that President Bush awarded them in November. The reception should be double knee deep in True Believers and NeoConservatives. Luckily, people generally have low fashion expectations of freelance writers. I’ll wear a coat and tie […]
My Favorite Liberal Review of Freedom in Chains
I appreciate the feedback on the National Review’s take on Freedom in Chains that I posted yesterday. Here is my favorite liberal review of the book. (For the record, I have never even been to Oklahoma City). Los Angeles Times March 4, 1999 A CHILLING INDICTMENT OF U.S. GOVERNMENT; FREEDOM IN CHAINS, THE RISE OF […]
Bush Speechwriter View on Freedom, 1999
I quoted the National Review’s review of Freedom in Chains (1999) in a blog comment earlier today. Someone requested the full text of the review, so here it is. Matthew Scully, the reviewer, was on Bush’s speechwriting team for most of George W.’s first term. National Review May 3, 1999 HEADLINE: Tyranny Lite-Matthew Scully; Review […]
“Liberating” Iran, Enslaving America
Will Grigg, the editor of Pro Libertate, has a new e-zine. Will ran a piece of mine in his initial issue. Will does great work – I hope people check out his hot new ‘Net publication here. “Liberating” Iran, Enslaving the USA The price of “regime change” in Iran might be the loss of what […]
Another Shocker from Ohio
Maybe the mayor’s spokesman thought he was living in Beaver Falls, Ohio, not Toledo. WSPD talk show host Brian Wilson and Toledo mayor spokesman Brian Schwartz had a rematch yesterday, this time at the Press Club of Toledo. The issue was the city government’s violation of the First Amendment when it barred WSPD reporters from local government functions. […]
Iran, Bush, and Velvet Revolution.us
The above ad is from VelvetRevolution.us. I snapped this photo of their Republican fashion statement at the antiwar demonstration in DC on January 27. (Full size photo is available here.) VelvetRevolution has another advertisement out proclaiming: WAR CRIMINALS GET HANGED Who is willing to hang beside George Bush? The ad features a picture of Saddam getting […]