Even with George W. Bush as president, democracy does not guarantee liberty. Here is a piece I wrote for the Freeman on the topic last summer (now online here in PDF). The editor of the Freeman, Sheldon Richman, has one of the best freedom blogs on the Net; his “Free Association” is here. If you enjoy […]
Tag Archives | Bovard
Bush Brings Medieval Justice to America
The Bush administration has been shockingly clear regarding its intentions to medievalize American justice. The memos vindicating torture written by high-ranking Bush administration officials should have woken up all Americans to the rising peril. Unfortunately, the memos have gotten far less attention than they deserve. This article, posted today by the Future of Freedom Foundation, ran […]
Killer Cops Next to DC
The #2 Homeland Security official for Prince George’s County, Maryland recently shot two furniture delivery guys who brought a new bed to his house. The headboard had a scratch, according to local news reports. Since one of the delivery guys died a few days ago, the story won’t vanish, regardless of how many times the local government […]
Bush’s Biggest Bosh – 2nd Anniv.
Following is the lead and wrap-up of a piece I did for the February issue of Freedom Daily. The Future of Freedom Foundation will put the full text online later this year. The Second Anniversary of Bush’s Worst Bosh by James Bovard Two years ago last month, Bush gave his second inaugural address. As I […]
Lively Interview Online – Torture, Iran, Dictatorship, etc.
Antiwar.com columnist Scott Horton interviwed me today for an hour about Attention Deficit Democracy. We had a good ol’ time – I hope folks get lots of laughs from the show. Scott, who has done some excellent writing on the danger of war with Iran, had excellent observations on the latest developments in the Middle […]
Toledo Mayor “Squeals Like a Pig”
Talk show host Brian Wilson added another notch to his holster (or whatever) today. A federal judge slapped a permanent injunction on mayor Carty Finkbeiner (don’t blame me, I didn’t make the name up) and the city of Toledo. Unfortunately, Wilson doesn’t drink beer, so he will not be celebrating properly tonight. Here are some […]
My Amazon Profile Page
Amazon has started creating profile pages for authors, including links to all of their books offered by Amazon. My profile page is here. Several of my books are also for sale at the Laissez-Faire Books website here. Amazon is not carrying Arabic works (as far as I know). The Arabic language version of Bush Betrayal […]