Tag Archives | Bovard

America’s Previous Antiterrorism Disasters in Lebanon

In his State of the Union message last week, George Bush rattled his saber towards Hezbollah, trying to make it sound almost as frightening as Al Qaeda.  This was typical Bush hokum.   The history of U.S. intervention in Lebanon proves that America should stay the heck out of that country. I wrote the following piece last August; it appeared in the Future […]

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Subversive Photos from the DC Antiwar Rally 1/27/07

SEE PHOTO BELOW (@#$# software) This was my favorite photo from Saturday’s demonstration. Where is the Secret Service when you need it? I have 10 other photos posted at http://www.flickr.com/photos/bovard/  I am tottering on the edge of getting the hang of some of this modern technology. UPDATE 1/30: The Flickr page with the “Bush Swings […]

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Photos from Saturday’s Antiwar Demo

At Saturday’s antiwar demo in DC, it was good to see lots of folks fed up with Bush’s BS.   And there were lots of great signs and comic relief.  I am in the process of loading my photos from the demo here.  I will get more shots up tomorrow morning.  Claire Wolfe kindly posted several of my fav shots on her […]

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March on Washington this Saturday (Jan. 27)

This Saturday should see the biggest antiwar demonstration in Washington since September 2005. Details here. I will be heading down to the big show. When I go to these events, I tend to saunter more than march, savoring the circus elements of these festivities and spending lots of time on the periphery. Stopping Bush from expanding […]

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LIVE ONLINE Friday (1/19) at 4:30 PM Eastern on Brian Wilson Show

Brian Wilson and I will be thrashing the Bush adminsitration’s latest dodges regarding its illegal surveillance tomorrow afternoon. You can listen live here Brian has been doing a great job whupping up on  the mayor of Toledo, revealing the rascal as a two-bit censorship hack.  There’s a photo of Brian here just before he smashed down […]

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Bush’s Remote Control Martyrs

In the Tuesday interview for PBS Newshour, host Jim Lehrer asked Bush why he has not asked more AMericans.. to sacrifice something” for the war in Iraq. The President replied: “I think a lot of people are in this fight. I mean, they sacrifice peace of mind when they see the terrible images of violence […]

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The Torturous Servility of Washington Think Tanks

The Globalist posted an article of mine today contrasting the courage of Washington vs. New York organizations.   Washington vs. New York: Wonks vs. Courage Washington has long had a reputation as being the place for serious political thinkers. By contrast, New York was seen as a place where people go to earn bushels of money. Yet, the reaction […]

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