The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online today my Freedom Daily piece on the tidal wave of groveling that swept America after 9/11. THE 9/11 SERVILITY REFLEX Freedom Daily, December 2008 by James Bovard Many citizens react to their rulers like little kids who recognize that a stranger is acting suspiciously and may be up […]
Tag Archives | Bush
Now Online – My Radio Interview on’s Scott Horton and I had a rattlin’ good chat yesterday regarding the 5 year anniversary of Bush’s invasion of Iraq. The interview includes accolades for itself and heaps justified abuse upon the media. The MP3 is here. The interview is about 15 minutes long.
Bush Earned Impeachment Five Years Ago Today
In a memo sent to Congress five years ago today, Bush decreed that he was attacking Iraq “to take the necessary actions against international terrorists and terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations, or persons who planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001.” The Bush administration linked Saddam to 9/11 to […]
McCain Again Votes for Torture
John McCain
My Favorite Cartoon (from Playboy 2002)
Clay Butler did this wonderful cartoon for Playboy for a 2002 article of mine bashing the Patriot Act. His cartoon was so good that I urged St. Martin’s/Palgrave to use it for the cover of Terrorism & Tyranny. Alack – my editors there did not share my mania for cartoons. The full size of the cartoon […]
Discussing Ron Paul Etc. Thursday Morning – LISTEN LIVE
I will be on the Charles Goyette radio show 8:35 AM Eastern time Thursday (1/31) discussing the Ron Paul campaign and other developments in the presdiential race. Charles is one of the best libertarian hosts in the country; his political courage and humor have helped make him the most popular talk show host in Phoenix. He is on the […]
Bush Does Abraham
The intellectual bootlickers surrounding Bush have apparently persuaded him that he is the reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln. Fox News recently had unprecedented access to Bush to produce a documentary to air on Sunday night: ““George W. Bush: Fighting to the Finish.” Fox reporter Bret Baier commented of his meetings with Bush: ” We talked a […]