Tag Archives | Bush

Bush’s AmeriCorps Fraud

The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online today my article on AmeriCorps from the September 2007 Freedom Daily. I admit: the first sentence is my favorite line in the piece. Bush’s AmeriCorps Fraud                    Freedom Daily,  September 2007 by James Bovard Politicians have long used moral doggerel to make citizens docile. Though President Bush is often […]

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Ron Paul Vindicated on Iran

Ron Paul is the only non-Armageddon presidential candidate among the Republicans.  He is the only person who staunchly opposes a massive first strike against Iran because of  its alleged nuclear program.  He has long been ridiculed for his aversion to preemptive genocide in the Middle East. The National Intelligence Estimate yesterday reported that Iran abandoned its nuclear […]

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Another Bush Bootlicker Bites the Dust

Australian voters kicked Prime Minister John Howard out of office yesterday.  Howard was even more of a groveler to Bush than Tony Blair.  One step Bush took to try to help Howard win reelection was to release Australian David Hicks from Guantanamo earlier this year.  As part of the deal for his release, Hicks had to […]

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Bush Stands Up for Genocide

Bush today vigorously opposed a congressional resolution to finally recognize the Turkish slaughter of more than a million Armenian Christians as genocide. Bush declared: “We all deeply regret the tragic suffering of the Armenian people that began in 1915. This resolution is not the right response to these historic mass killings, and its passage would do […]

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Are Presidents Entitled to Kill Foreigners?

The Future of Freedom Foundation is shotgunning out an op-ed I wrote about presidents’ right to kill.  My favorite line from this piece: Sometimes the threat of a noose is the best way to keep the peace.   ARE PRESIDENTS ENTITLED TO KILL FOREIGNERS? by James Bovard What is the common term for ordering soldiers to kill […]

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War Lies & the 2004 Election

The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online today my article from the April 2007 Freedom Daily on “War Lies & the 2004 Election.” What sort of democracy allows rulers to perpetuate their power with brazen lies?   WAR LIES & THE 2004 ELECTION          Freedom Daily April 2007 by James Bovard  Shortly after he was reelected, President Bush […]

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My FFF Speech is Now Online at YouTube

This is the talk from the Future of Freedom Foundation conference last month. I’m not sure how the segments of the talk are broken out, but it is probably in segment 5 or 6 that I pull the rabbit out of the hat. The questions from the audience were superb – the Q & A was […]

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