The key players in the U.S. Senate have agreed with the Bush administration to retroactively legalize torture by U.S. government agents. The compromise deal struck yesterday will block prosecution for CIA officials who tortured detainees since 9/11. I would expect that, in the name of “fair play,” someone will begin pushing similar legislation to give […]
Tag Archives | Bush
Celebrate Constitution Day Bush-Style
This is Constitution Day. The National Archives is holding a celebration in which children can stop by and sign a “faux Constitution.” George Bush issued a statement earlier this week proclaiming: America is grateful to those who have worked to defend the Constitution and promote its ideals. During this observance, we also recognize the profound […]
Bush & Killing in the Name of Democracy
The Future of Freedom Foundation today posted online my June 2006 Freedom Daily article on “Killing in the Name of Democracy.” Doing the research for this article was hell on my idealism. KILLING IN THE NAME OF DEMOCRACY Freedom Daily, June 2006 by James Bovard President George W. Bush perpetually invokes the goal of spreading democracy to sanctify […]
How to Pry the Truth out of Congressmen
The Los Angeles Times ran a piece of mine today on fair play for our elected representatives. Online here (registration required?) and following: Modest Proposal: Waterboard Congress Maybe White House-favored interrogation techniques would coax lawmakers to tell the truth about U.S. anti-terror policies. By James Bovard JAMES BOVARD is the author, most recently, of “Attention […]
Justice Dept. Appeals Ruling on “No Hereditary Kings”
Federal judge Anna Diggs Taylor declared in a ruling today: “We must first note that the Office of the Chief Executive has itself been created, with its powers, by the Constitution. There are no hereditary Kings in America and no power not created by the Constitution. So all ‘inherent power’ must derive from that Constitution.” The […]
Bush: Betrayed by Iraqi Ingrates
Today’s New York Times reveals that George W. Bush is deeply disappointed that the Iraqi people have “not shown greater support for the American mission.” One person who attended a meeting of Bush’s “war cabinet” on Monday commented on Bush’s reaction: “I sensed a frustration with the lack of progress on the bigger picture of […]
Paving the Way to War with Iran
Israel’s war on Lebanon is a warm-up for the U.S. war on Iran. That is the message of Seymour Hersh’s latest superb article in the New Yorker. Hersh reveals that the Bush administration was “closely involved” in planning Israel’s attacks on Lebanon. A former senior intelligence official informed Hersh that, beginning this Spring, “planners from […]