… at least temporarily. The defeat of Joe Lieberman in the Democratic senate primary in Connecticut is good news for anyone who dislikes pious warmongers. Lieberman deserved to lose for many reasons – not the least of which was his assertion that Democrats are obliged to swallow Bush’s lies in the name of national security. […]
Tag Archives | Bush
Freedom Via Military Dictatorship
George W. Bush has apparently given up any aspiration of receiving an honorary award from the American Civil Liberties Union. His administration is responding to the Supreme Court ruling striking down his military tribunals with a legislative proposal that would place far more Americans in peril of having their rights nullified. The Washington Post reports […]
The IDF’s “Human Shield” Defense Blows Up
From Haaretz today: As the Israel Air Force continues to investigate the air strike [at Qana], questions have been raised over military accounts of the incident. It now appears that the military had no information on rockets launched from the site of the building, or the presence of Hezbollah men at the time. The Israel […]
The War Goal that Led to Qana
Nehemia Shtrasler, a columnist in Haaretz, Israel’s most respected newspaper, today explains the goal of the Israeli invasion: “The Olmert-Peretz plan was to shell and demolish south Lebanon and south Beirut until the Lebanese public demanded that its government vomit Hezbollah out from its midst.” With a goal of demolishing much of the part of a neighboring […]
Qana Last Time: “Just a bunch of [dead] Arabs.”
Israeli government public relations encountered a significant challenge today when the IDF killed dozens of children in the same location that they killed more than a hundred civilians a decade ago. The fact that both attacks occurred in Qana, Lebanon is the sort of thing that might make even a newspaper correspondent look into Israel’s prior history […]
Redefining War Crimes out of Existence
The Washington Post today details how the Bush administration is desperately scrambling to get Congress to pass a law to retroactively legalize torture. OK, this is not exactly what the Post said — they would not be so ill-mannered towards the government. But the Supreme Court’s decision last month declaring that the Bush order on […]
Boston Globe: The ‘Terrorist’ Batting Average
The Boston Globe ran my piece today on how the Bush administration almost always strikes out when it accuses people of being terrorists. Here’s the text: The ‘terrorist’ batting average By James Bovard | July 21, 2006 Boston Globe AFTER THE US Supreme Court’s recent decision limiting military tribunals, Congress is scrambling to pass a […]