Tag Archives | Cheney


Leviathan Logic versus Individual Liberty

Leviathan Logic versus Individual Liberty by James Bovard, March 24, 2025 The failure to think clearly about government is one of the greatest sources of tyranny. The history of liberties lost is the history of patterns of abuses ignored and inductions not made. People talk about the importance of ideas in politics. Often, it is […]

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The Mirage of Washington Intelligence

Libertarian Institute, October 24, 2022 The Mirage of Washington Intelligence by Jim Bovard | “You can send a man to Congress but you can’t make him think,” quipped comedian Milton Berle in the 1950s. To update Berle for our times: You can spend $60 billion a year on intelligence agencies but you can’t make politicians […]

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Supreme Court Tortures the Constitution Again

Supreme Court Tortures the Constitution Again by James Bovard The Supreme Court ruled in March that Americans have no right to learn the grisly details of CIA torture because the CIA has never formally confessed its crimes. The case symbolizes how the rule of law has become little more than legal mumbo-jumbo to shroud official […]

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Torture Update: Andy Worthington’s Excellent New Film

Andy Worthington, the author of The Guantanamo Files, is touring the U.S. with his excellent new film, “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo.” He will be in California later this week. Tour schedule is here. “Outside the Law” does a fine job of blending the legal issues and personal details to burn home the human […]

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Martial Law and the War on Terrorism

The Future of Freedom Foundation is shotgunning out the following oped today…. *** Martial Law and the War on Terrorism Or “One White House Memo Away From Dictatorship” by James Bovard The New York Times reported last week that the Bush administration considered sending in the U.S. military to arrest the so-called Lackawanna Six in […]

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Torture & Liberty

This piece from the July issue of The Freeman is now online here (in PDF) and here (in ASCII – paragraph breaks amended slightly in the version below). TORTURE & LIBERTY      Freeman  July 2008 by James Bovard Is torture compatible with liberty? Unfortunately, this is no longer a hypothetical question. Many Americans who claim to […]

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My Cheney Tribute is now online

The American Conservative has posted my piece on Cheney’s revelation that he is exempt from federal law regarding national security secrets. Here are a few paragraphs from the piece: The “my wish is the law’s command

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