Tag Archives | CIA

Obama’s Harebrained Scheme for Benevolent Carnage Exposed

Like Richard Nixon always said, the nation’s cartoonists are a pox on national security.  And now Garry Trudeau of Doonesbury has gone and exposed the secret calculations behind the latest U.S. intervention in Iraq. Sorta. If American citizens had real-time access to the secret memos, emails etc. that are driving Obama’s latest bombing campaign in […]

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My First Piece after 9/11: Dangers of Trusting Government

Last week was the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Reposted below is the first piece I had published after that attack. George Neumayr was the IBD editor who accepted the piece; George is now a contributing editor at American Spectator. (Still can’t understand why the New York Times op-ed page didn’t jump when I […]

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Obama Foreign Policy Maxim Actually Not Bad

According to Hillary Clinton, the Obama administration’s guiding maxim for foreign policy was “Don’t do stupid shit.” But if that was their lodestar, why did they ever hire Hillary as Secretary of State? Hillary would also have been disqualified for that job if the Obama team relied on Google’s (former) motto: “Don’t be evil.” If the […]

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Syria: Common Sense versus Obama’s Next War

From the January 2014 issue of The Future of Freedom (from the Future of Freedom Foundation) Syria: Common Sense versus Obama’s Next War by James Bovard The Obama administration tottered on the edge of launching a cruise missile attack on Syria this past August and September. Obama hesitated and decided to seek congressional approval before […]

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