Tag Archives | Congress

Fireball at Waco after FBI Assault, April 19, 1993

Deadly Precedent of the Waco Whitewash

The Deadly Precedent of the Waco Whitewash by James Bovard March 19, 2021 The easiest way to achieve sainthood in Washington is to cover up a federal atrocity. Thus, it is no surprise that former senator John Danforth continues to be treated by the Washington Post as a visionary statesman. The Post showcased Danforth’s attack on […]

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The Never-Ending Battle between Leviathan and Liberty

Mises Institute, March 18, 2021 The Never-Ending Battle between Leviathan and Liberty by  James Bovard The notion that Americans will always be free is part of the catechism that is force-fed to public school students. For hundreds of years, philosophers, politicians, and reformers have touted a law of history that assures the ultimate triumph of […]

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The Afghanization of American Democracy

American Institute for Economic Research, February 27, 2021 Is the U.S. Going the Way of Afghanistan? James Bovard Acrimony and recriminations continue to swirl around the 2020 presidential election. Three out of four Republicans believe that there was “widespread fraud” in the election, while Democrats have sought to turn criticisms of the election into a […]

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Bashing Congress and Teacher Unions on Salem Radio Network MP3

Powerline’s John Hinderaker, who was guest-hosting on the Dan Proft show on Salem Radio Network, and I had a zesty chat yesterday spurred by my recent articles the folly of Congress claiming absolute power and the role of teacher unions in shafting children.  John’s think tank, the Center for the American Experiment, has done superb […]

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Sovereignty Still Rests with the People, Not Congress

American Institute for Economic Research, February 12, 2021 Sovereignty Still Rests with the People, Not Congress James Bovard Politicians lustfully rejoicing at their own power is the ultimate “dog bites man” story that goes unremarked in Washington. The Senate impeachment trial of Donald Trump included one such vivid vignette, an ominous warning that Congress recognizes […]

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