Tag Archives | Congress


USA TODAY: No Deep State Deliverance for Democracy

USA TODAY, November 13, 2019 As the deep state attacks Trump to rave media reviews, don’t forget its dark side The deep state has a long history of betraying the trust of the American people. They aren’t our friends just because we share an enemy in common. by James Bovard “Thank God for the deep […]

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Trump Should Push Congress to Admit Folly & Futility of Syrian Intervention

American Renewal Trump Should Ask Congress To Approve Military Intervention In Syria, If Members Want It So Badly Shutterstock/ Dirtymono James Bovard Contributor October 21, 2019 5:58 PM ET The House of Representatives voted 354 to 60 on Oct. 16 to condemn President Donald Trump’s pullback of U.S. troops from eastern Syria as “beneficial to […]

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The Sham of Government Secrecy

The Sham of Government Secrecy by James Bovard The Supreme Court in June ruled that the federal government can keep secret the food-stamp sales totals of grocery stores. By a 6 to 3 vote, the Court declared that such business records are exempt from disclosure under the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). This case, […]

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Bashing Congress in the New York Times on July 4th 40 Years Ago

A million years ago during the Carter administration, congressmen were calling for reviving military conscription because of the supposed failures of the All-Volunteer Force (started in 1973).  I wrote a satire calling for conscripting random citizens to be members of Congress because many of the existing representatives were dim-witted, mentally unstable liars incapable of performing […]

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JPB fair trade fraud cover from AMZ

G.W.H. Bush Protectionist Follies, 1989-1992

Some folks thought I was too harsh on the late George H.W. Bush in my USA Today oped and on my Twitter comments. So here’s some of the articles I wrote on Bush’s protectionist debacles in the early 1990s. [The following piece was reprinted in two economics college textbooks] Wall Street Journal Wednesday, September 6, […]

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