Tag Archives | Congress

Screenshot 2023-12-15 at 11-53-03 James Bovard Is Free Speech a Relic in America

Chicago Radio: FISA Spying and the Great Penis Question

Lots of fun this morning with Dan Proft and Amy Jacobson on Chicago’s Morning Answer radio at AM560.  Amazing to see how teachers are stampeding kids with transgender imperatives.  I appreciated the chance to smack around FISA spying and Congress, too. I joined the segment about three minutes after the start of the tape. Listen/watch […]

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Thumping the Feds And Other Rascals on Brian Wilson Podcast

The Two and Only — Brian Wilson and James Bovard S2 Ep 50   Listen or download the show by clicking the link Talk show misanthrope Brian Wilson and Last Rights author James Bovard return to rehearse the eulogy for Free Speech and check on your privacy in the ICU. Brian Wilson Check Brian’s Substack here […]

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N.Y. Post: More nails in the coffin of Biden’s censorship regime

New York Post, December 1, 2023 More nails in the coffin of Biden’s censorship regime James Bovard With each passing month, we are getting closer to the Custer’s Last Stand for federal censors. But will free speech triumph in time to prevent the feds from secretly rigging the 2024 presidential election? At a House Weaponization […]

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Tarring and Feathering Congress on the Brian Wilson Podcast

From the Brian Wilson Podcast page – https://brianwilsonwrites.substack.com/p/the-two-and-only-brian-wilson-and-119 Listen by clicking below (or above) The Two and Only — Brian Wilson and James Bovard S2 Ep 44 Brian Wilson and author Jim Bovard rip into unconstitutional Congressional raises for the poor $175,000/yr Swamp Dwellers and other shenanigans typical in the Logic Free Zone of the […]

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James Bovard photo (used as NY Post illustration)

Congress’s Unconstitutional Pay Raise Scandal

Congress’s Unconstitutional Pay Raise Scandal James Bovard byOctober 27, 2023 “A good politician is almost as rare as an honest burglar,” once quipped H. L. Mencken. After the shenanigans around the latest congressional pay increase, America’s burglars should file a posthumous libel suit against Mencken for that disparaging comparison.If congressmen are not going to respect […]

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Yanking the Alarm on Congress on the Brian Wilson Podcast

“McCarthy out! House turmoil! Government collapse imminent! Fire alarm as door opener! Big Brother is watching you more than you know! Brian Wilson and Jim Bovard, The Two and Only at your service.”  Plus, Thomas Macaulay makes a cameo. Listen to the podcast at https://nfscd.buzzsprout.com/1991115/13717750

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