Tag Archives | Congress


Saving Congress (Harrumph) on the Brian Wilson Podcast

“Brian Wilson and Jim have all the latest and more from the new John Fetterman Finishing School, Congressional Hijinks, Biden Family Skullduggery and the upcoming Kevin McCarthy Job Hunt!” Plus, the story of the bogus dress code violation that got me evicted from the press box at the Supreme Court. Listen live at this link: […]

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Screenshot 2023-08-18 at 07-18-37 The New York Post e-Edition

N.Y. Post: Hunter Biden loses chance to give courthouse speech — and the special counsel loses more credibility

New York Post, August 17, 2023 Hunter Biden loses chance to give courthouse speech — and the special counsel loses more credibility by James Bovard Breaking News: Hunter Biden was robbed of the chance to win the Emmy Award for Best Tear-Jerking Performance on Courthouse Steps by a Media Darling. The Washington Post revealed Thursday […]

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N.Y. Post: Merrick Garland’s latest dirty trick to protect the Bidens

New York Post, August 12, 2023 Merrick Garland’s latest dirty trick to protect the Bidens By James Bovard Attorney General Merrick Garland may have just played his last trick card to save Joe Biden: appointing a special counsel to delay prosecution of his son Hunter. With any luck, the official Justice Department final report on […]

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Screenshot 2023-07-12 at 21-38-00 James Bovard on Twitter

Brian Wilson Returns #2: Podcast and FBI Duck-and-Cover Hearing Charade

From BrianWilsonWrites substack: Brian and Jim discuss FBI Director Christopher Wray’s gentle treatment of Free Speech. – listen to the podcast here https://nfscd.buzzsprout.com/1991115/13212810or below – Open in app or online The Two and Only – Brian Wilson and James Bovard return to discuss FBI Director Christopher Wray’s gentle treatment of Free Speech and other freedoms… […]

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N.Y. Post: Feds are Buying Your Life with Your Tax Dollars

LISTEN TO THIS ARTICLE: New York Post, June 20, 2023 The feds are buying mountains of your personal data and one day could use it against you by James Bovard Federal agencies are secretly accumulating mountains of data that could be used for “blackmail, stalking, harassment and public shaming” of American citizens. That allegation doesn’t […]

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jpb brian wilson cpac 2010 or 2011

Painting the Debt Ceiling with the Brian Wilson Podcast

Brian Wilson and I had fun hammering Congress for their shiftless sellout on the federal debt ceiling negotiations.  Also paid homage to the FBI and its 278,000 warrantless wiretap victims (you know who you are even if the feds won’t disclose). You can listen to the podcast by clicking here or https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-two-and-only-brian-wilson-and-james-bovard/id1638506178?i=1000615202210or

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Screenshot 2023-05-31 at 09-06-08 The New York Post e-Edition

N.Y. Post: Get them rewrite! Debt-ceiling deal fails to fix DC

New York Post, May 31, 2023 Get them rewrite! Debt-ceiling deal fails to fix DC by James Bovard The biggest peril of the Biden-McCarthy budget deal is spawning the illusion federal spending is under control. Both President Joe Biden and Republican congressional leaders can claim victory and lull Americans into believing rising national debt is […]

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